The 2nd National Forest Inventory in Kyrgyzstan: Outcomes

The 2nd National Forest Inventory in Kyrgyzstan: Outcomes

On October 25, 2023, a final seminar was held to provide the results of the 2nd National Forest Inventory of Kyrgyzstan, where representatives of state organizations for land resources, cartography and national statistics, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic, international and public organizations participated.

The national forest inventory has been carried out in Kyrgyzstan for the second time in history.  The uniqueness lies in the fact that this type of forest inventory is carried out only in Kyrgyzstan from Central Asian countries. The national forest inventory was carried out on the basis of an international methodology using modern tools, equipment and software with the support of international specialists. The duration of the event is 2020-2023.

The executor of the 2nd National forest inventory was a consortium whose members are the German consulting organization Unique land use and forestry and a branch of the Regional Environmental Center of Central Asia (CAREC) in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The first National Forest Inventory in Kyrgyzstan was carried out back in 2008-2010 on the basis of the FAO methodology and with the support of specialists of this organization. The first national inventory revealed that forests occupy about 6% of the total area of Kyrgyzstan.

The 2nd National forest inventory of Kyrgyzstan (NFI #2) was carried out throughout the territory of the republic, including the State Forest Fund, the territory of specially protected Natural Territories (protected areas), and forests of other land users. All types of forests of Kyrgyzstan from all regions on all high-altitude zones of the country were studied.


Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country and forests, respectively, are mountainous, having high environmental, protective, ecological, recreational and sanitary values. The significance of the
forests of Kyrgyzstan is confirmed by the data of the National forest inventory.

The main advantage of conducting an inventory of forests at the national level is to obtain reliable data on forests and their growing conditions within a short time. Thus, forestry, ecological and some economic indicators were obtained and calculated for 6 types of forests of Kyrgyzstan (spruce, walnut, juniper, pistachio, deciduous and shrub).

Based on the results of the work carried out, updated data were obtained on the forested area of the country (1,717,566.9 hectares), which amounted to 8.6% of the country's territory, the total forest reserve for all 6 types of forests amounted to 76 million m3. A new forest map was developed based on satellite images used, where you can see forests of forestry, natural parks, nature reserves, municipal forests (forests of aiyl aimags) and forests on other categories of land.

The possibilities of carbon absorption by the forests of the republic have been determined:

The National Forest Inventory was conducted as part of the Kyrgyzstan Forest Service’s Integrated Forest Ecosystem Management project, funded by a grant and loan from the World Bank and the Global Environment Facility.


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