The Global Environment Facility Small Grants Program (GEF SGP) in Kazakhstan announces the acceptance of project applications for participation in the grant competition

The Global Environment Facility Small Grants Program (GEF SGP) in Kazakhstan announces the acceptance of project applications for participation in the grant competition

The Global Environment Facility  Small Grants Programme (GEF SGP) in Kazakhstan, operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), as part of the implementation of the Seventh Operational Phase of its work, announces the acceptance of project applications for participation in the grant competition.

Applications are accepted only from registered Kazakhstani non-profit non-governmental public organizations (NGOs). Project proposals from government agencies and enterprises, commercial structures (LLP, etc.) and research organizations will not be accepted for consideration.

Project proposals must be aimed at implementing activities in one of two thematic areas:

  • Climate change mitigation;
  • Reduction of land degradation processes.

The project activities should be aimed at implementing measures that reduce the negative impact on steppe, semi-desert or desert ecosystems. Geographically, the project work should be concentrated in rural and suburban areas of the following regions: Kostanay, Akmola, Karaganda, Ulytau, Kyzylorda, Almaty, Zhetysu, Turkestan, East Kazakhstan and Abay. Regional centers, as well as the cities of Shymkent, Astana and Almaty cannot be the place for implementing the declared projects.

Projects should include mechanisms and activities to improve the well-being of local communities (including such groups as women, youth, vulnerable groups) and their active involvement in the implementation of the project. Projects based on network partnership and joint implementation of project activities by several NGOs are welcome.

The grant funding amount should not exceed US$50,000. The project implementation period should not exceed 12 months.

Additional priorities in project selection [1]

When selecting projects within the framework of this competition, the following priority areas will be taken into account:

  1. Innovation and complexity of the project: the degree of novelty of the project for the region, including the introduction of new technologies and methods of resource organization, improved interaction within the community, and the creation of original products and services.
  2. Project sustainability: the technologies and approaches proposed for demonstration must be scalable.
  3. Geographical coverage: Projects implemented in Kostanay region.
  4. Climate change mitigation: Promotion of renewable energy sources, implementation of energy-saving technologies, thermal modernization, etc.
  5. Partnerships and collaborations: Projects implemented in partnership with other donors, development organizations and programs, the private sector, etc.
  6. Social inclusion: Projects targeting women, youth and other socially vulnerable groups.

The grant competition will run from November 26 to December 9, 2024.

The GEF SGP Phase 7 includes a component for capacity building and advisory support to grantees. For more information, see Appendix 1.       

For more information, please contact the GEF Small Grants Program by email at

Those wishing to participate in the competition must send their project proposals according to the attached format by e-mail

More detailed information on training, project categories, possible activities within each topic, project selection criteria, project proposal format and other materials related to this competition can be found in the appendices to this announcement:

  1. Appendix 1. Online training and consulting support
  2. Appendix 2: Possible activities and project selection criteria
  3. Appendix 3: Project Proposal Format

[1]  Projects must meet the criteria of the Small Grants Program, with preference given to projects that meet additional priorities.
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