The Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic hosted a discussion of current issues in the field of ecology, climate and environmental protection with the participation of CAREC representatives

The Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic hosted a discussion of current issues in the field of ecology, climate and environmental protection with the participation of CAREC representatives

On January 30, 2024, the director of the Branch of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) in the Kyrgyz Republic, Kuban Matraimov, took part in a meeting with the parliamentarians as part of the invited environmental NGOs to the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Parliamentarians Eldar Sulaymanov, Baktybek Choibekov, Kubanychbek Samakov met with representatives of the public, environmental experts to discuss current ecology problems, climate changes and environmental protection and the creation of the platform “Green Initiative”

During the meeting, parliamentarians noted that in solving problems in the field of ecology and the environment, the participation of parliamentarians is important, since they, as representatives of the legislative body, have effective legislative mechanisms that contribute to making significant changes to the environmental and climate agenda.

One of the key aspects of the meeting was the discussion of issues regarding the creation and development of the platform “Green Initiative”, initiated by the deputies of the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic. This platform will provide comprehensive consideration and take timely action on ecology, climate and environmental issues.

Experts, in turn, noted that it is necessary to pay special attention to the preservation of glaciers, effective management of water resources and environmental safety in the republic.

On the part of non-governmental organizations, participants were MoveGreen , CAMP Ala-Too, NGO “SKZE”, AgroWay , Unison Group, CAREC, Institute for Economic Policy Research of the Kyrgyz Republic, Evidence Central Asia, Association Organic Holding KG, NGO “Rivers Without Borders” (Kazakhstan), Youth Parliament of Kyrgyzstan, Association “Green Alliance” and others.

In conclusion, the deputies of the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic called on experts to actively use the platform “Green Initiative” in order to promote sustainable development, environmental protection and protection from the effects of climate change, since this platform is designed to effectively implement and support environmentally sustainable initiatives in Kyrgyzstan, thus contributing to the achievement of national and international goals in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development.

There was also a request for NGOs and experts to send proposals to Parliament on changing existing or adopting new laws that contribute to improving the environmental situation, adapting to the effects of climate change and preserving natural resources


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