On October 16, a meeting of members of the Association of Legal Entities “Green Alliance of Kyrgyzstan” was held. The meeting was attended by most members of the Green Alliance, who reviewed the annual report of the Chairman and the executive body. In 2024, there was an internal reorganization of the Green Alliance: 8 committees of different directions were created, the number of Alliance members was reduced due to non-payment of membership fees and lack of support for the activities and general ideas of the Green Alliance. The meeting also considered the following important issues:

·       Re-election of a new Chairman of the Green Alliance due to the expiration of the term of the current Chairman;

·       Re-election of members of the Management Board due to the expiration of the term of office of the current members of the Management Board;

·       Activities of members of the Green Alliance on climate change and environmental protection, building public opinion on environmental violations;


·       Other issues related to the activities of the Green Alliance.

For information: The Green Alliance of Kyrgyzstan was created in 2019 and has more than 50 members – legal organizations: environmental NGOs, scientific public organizations, commercial banks and business organizations.



According to the decision of the members of the Green Alliance, a new Chairperson of the institution was re-elected. It is Maral Sagynalieva, the founder of ” Open Innovations “. The members of the Board for the new term (for 2 years) are 10 legal entities that are part of the Green Alliance, including the Branch of the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia in the Kyrgyz Republic. CAREC is the only regional organization in the Green Alliance.


Director of CAREC branch in Kyrgyz Republic, Kuban Matraimov, shared with the participants about CAREC’s efforts to support Central Asian countries in organizing national pavilions at COP-29, which will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan from November 11 to 22, 2024, and called on the Green Alliance to demonstrate active actions in preparing the Kyrgyz delegation to COP-29. He also noted that a member of the Green Alliance – Unison Group is part of the climate network of Central Asian countries that will participate in COP-29 and has joined the Coalition of Environmental NGOs of the participating countries.


At the end of the meeting, the outgoing Chairman (Arstan Kadyrov) presented letters of gratitude and certificates of honor to some members of the Green Alliance who demonstrated their active actions in promoting green technologies, green construction and financing, renewable energy sources and support, implementing environmental projects, campaigns and events. The CAREC branch was also awarded a certificate of honor, which made a great contribution to green initiatives in Kyrgyzstan.


Additional information – Kuban Matraimov, Director of CAREC Country Office for Kyrgyzstan, kmatraimov@carececo.org

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