Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2020: Towards sustainable economies

Decades of high economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region have transformed its socioeconomic landscape – lifting a billion people out of extreme poverty in the past two decades and raising living standards of even greater numbers. However, such growth has been accompanied by growing inequality of income and opportunity and is beginning to breach planetary …

Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2020: Towards sustainable economies Read More »

Demonstration of Diversification and Sustainable Crop Production Intensification – TCP/UZB/3601

Agriculture represents the largest sector of Uzbekistan’s economy and has the potential to add to overall economic growth and raise rural incomes. However, the sector under irrigated farming conditions is characterized by the dominance of the cotton and wheat monocropping system, which has been the source of major phytosanitary and environmental problems, with repercussions throughoutthe …

Demonstration of Diversification and Sustainable Crop Production Intensification – TCP/UZB/3601 Read More »

CCA Locust Bulletin N68

Moroccan Locust (DMA) hopper development was in progress in Central Asia (CA) and in Azerbaijan. In Uzbekistan, dense hopper bands formed in the south. Italian Locust (CIT) hatching started in Uzbekistan.

Agricultural total factor productivity growth indices for geographic regions, 1961-2016

The spreadsheets available below for downloading contain annual agricultural TFP indexes for individual countries, major global regions, and for countries grouped by income levels. The files also contain the input and output data used in the construction of the TFP indexes. See the “Explanation” tab in each workbook for a detailed description of the content.

Agricultural total factor productivity growth indices for individual countries, 1961-2016

The spreadsheets available for downloading contain annual agricultural TFP indexes for individual countries, major global regions, and for countries grouped by income levels. The files also contain the input and output data used in the construction of the TFP indexes. See the “Explanation” tab in each workbook for a detailed description of the content.

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