Central Asia is considered a global hotspot with respect to impacts of climate change on the mountain cryosphere and downstream societies, most notably.

Central Asia is considered a global hotspot with respect to impacts of climate change on the mountain cryosphere and downstream societies, most notably for water resource shortages and timing, and risks from natural hazards. The three components of the cryosphere – glaciers, snow and permafrost – are all affected by climate change. Glaciers of Central …

Central Asia is considered a global hotspot with respect to impacts of climate change on the mountain cryosphere and downstream societies, most notably. Read More »

Integrated urban water management : lessons and recommendations from regional experiences in Latin America, Central Asia, and Africa

The purpose of this report is to review a set of Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) initiatives and pilot studies funded by the World Bank’s Water Partnership Program (WPP) in Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, and Central Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. The structure of this report is as follows. Chapter 1 introduces the main …

Integrated urban water management : lessons and recommendations from regional experiences in Latin America, Central Asia, and Africa Read More »

The climate challenge for Central Asia

The report paints a grim picture of what that world will look like. As weather extremes become the new normal and risks to food, water and energy security increase, everyone will feel the impact—particularly the poor

Central Asian conference on climate change (KEY MESSAGES)

The Central Asian conference on climate change in 2018 was organized within the Framework of the “Climate change adaptation and mitigation programs in the Aral sea basin” and it is a continuation of the world Bank’s initiative to exchange knowledge and information on climate change in Central Asia.

Migration, remittances and climate resilience in Tajikistan

This report has been produced by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan. The PRISE consortium is comprised of the Overseas Development Institute (lead institution), UK; Grantham Research Institute for Climate Change and the Environment, UK; Innovations …

Migration, remittances and climate resilience in Tajikistan Read More »

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