Gender, Climate and Security
Climate change is a defining threat to peace and security in the 21st century – its impacts are felt by everyone, but not equally. Gender norms and power dynamics shape how women and men of different backgrounds experience or contribute to insecurity in a changing climate. Grounded in a series

Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program
Under the seventh GEF replenishment, GEF-7, Impact Programs (IPs) on Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR); Sustainable Forest Management (SFM); and Sustainable Cities are being developed to address the drivers of environmental degradation, and to support transformational change in these key systems.

Climate change threatening agriculture of Kyrgyzstan
Water, water everywhere in Kyrgyzstan – except when and where it’s needed. Kyrgyzstan is a Central Asian nation that traditionally has been well endowed with water. But, in an era marked by global warming, old assumptions about water supplies are changing, and farmers are getting nervous. Conditions in Togotoi, a

Pioneering study shows evidence of loss & damage in vulnerable communities
No abstract provided

Climate change impacts – Central Asia
The IPCC 4th Assessment Report state that climate change poses serious threats to Central Asia’s environment, ecological and socio-economic systems, particularly because of the arid nature of the region. The complexity of precipitation changes, vegetation-climate feedback, and direct physiological effects of CO2 on vegetation present significant challenges for understanding and