
Why does Central Asia need a water and energy commission?

After the construction of hydroelectric power plants in the upper reaches of rivers, Kyrgyzstan will regulate the discharge of water to its transboundary neighbors according to its needs. How to avoid collisions and military conflicts in this regard? The well-known political scientist of Kyrgyzstan Bakyt Baketayev shared his opinion with

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To be or not to be a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan?

In June 2019, immediately after his election as President of Kazakhstan, Tokayev spoke about the country’s leadership’s lack of plans to build a nuclear power plant, noting that a referendum would be held on this issue if necessary. In September 2023, noting that “the development of nuclear energy has become

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Norway to Build World’s First Floating Wall of Wind Turbines

Norwegian company Wind Catching Systems has announced that it has received expert approval for a prototype of a giant floating wall of wind turbines. Four 40-megawatt units will be built along the coast of Norway. Each will be a vertical field of many turbines with smaller rotor diameters. This approach will ensure

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