Training for trainers: Development of best available technologies – a new level of training

Training for trainers: Development of best available technologies – a new level of training

Training for trainers: Development of best available technologies

– a new level of training


Almaty – Kazakhstan – The training for trainers on the best available technologies (BAT) and BAT reference books in Central Asia (BREFs) took place on 20-21 September 2024 following the Regional workshop on the development of BAT and BAT reference books in Central Asia “Expanding the partnership in the field of BAT”.


This training aimed to enhance the qualifications of specialists in environmental protection, industry representatives, and regulatory authorities involved in the development of BAT and BREFs in Kazakhstan.


The BAT and BREF ToT session was held in the framework of the «Strengthening Partnerships for Best Available Technologies with a Focus on Regional Engagement»

Project, implemented by CAREC in partnership with the Ministry of Ecology and

Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and International green technologies and investment projects Center NJC. This project is funded by the Advisory Assistance Programme (AAP) of the German Federal Environment Ministry for Environmental Protection in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and other countries bordering the European Union. The project is supervised by the German Environment Agency (UBA).


The training for trainings (ToT) provided participants with various tools, guidelines, educational resources, policy recommendations, strategic plans, and legal norms related to BAT/BREFs topics. Invited international experts Dr. Tatjana Kolesnikova, Dr. Vladislav Bizek and Dr. Richard Schlachta served as experienced trainers in the development of BAT and BAT Reference Documents, focusing the training program on familiarizing participants with the best available technologies (BAT) in the EU across the following sectors:

  • Production of basic organic chemicals
  • Treatment of wastewater from centralized urban sewage systems
  • Waste management and recycling.


Trainers about ToT

Dr Vladislav Bizek – “I expect that participants of the ToT event will have certain theoretic background, i.e. have available information on BAT as presented in BAT conclusions and BREFs. Therefore, I’ve focused on experience with implementation of BAT in practice, in my case in waste management. I’ve presented the integrated environmental permits for two existing installations – waste incinerator and comprehensive installation for waste management (two landfills, composting plant, waste treatment plant) to show how BAT is being chosen and implemented under concrete conditions. In addition, I’ve presented the potential problems in decision-making of BAT application (decisions within the interval of BAT associated emission levels, decision on requirements in the case of substantial reconstruction of existing installation). Real issues from the Czech Republic had been shown.”


Dr Tatjana Kolesnikova – “Like all other industries, wastewater treatment management is characterized by its specific production processes. The goal of each process is to create optimal production conditions to ensure effective and safe wastewater treatment. Realized examples of technical solutions, their demonstrations and a methodical approach to BAT in the field of sustainable water use can be a guide for participants.”


Dr Richard Schlachta – “I would like to mention that this BAT process is a continuous improvement process that must be implemented in the environmental management system. This is also evident from the fact that the BREFs are to be revised at certain intervals. But the savings that result from operating a modern plant must also be taken into account, e.g. lower energy consumption as a result of better production techniques and modern machines. Therefore, trainers (participants of the training) will play an important role in implementing BAT to convince operators of the advantages. I recommend that a technical analysis should always be the starting point for each individual case, in order to identify the gaps between the current situation and the BATs and to develop possible measures for improvement towards the BATs. In some cases, however, the bitter truth will be that a mere renovation of the plant is not possible because the existing technology is too old and too inefficient. In such cases, a new purchase of machines or a complete reconstruction of a production part is required, and a concept must be developed that keeps the company alive despite the renovation. The trainers will play an important role in drawing up this analysis and developing an improvement plan for cleaner production. I wish everyone involved in this process every success in achieving a better environmental situation combined with an optimization of the production process (better yield, lower energy and resource requirements, better product quality, fewer production errors or faulty batches).”


Feedback from participants of the ToT:


«The training for trainers on the development of BAT and Reference books on BAT organized by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia was extremely useful for me as a specialist involved in developing reference documents. The invited experts provided detailed explanations of practical experiences in transitioning to BAT and issuing environmental permits in EU countries. They showcased local case studies and addressed specific issues faced in Kazakhstan, offering comprehensive recommendations for their resolution. Overall, the training was very informative and focused on practical application».

Adelbayeva Laura, Senior manager of the BAT Reference Department, International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects



«The training for trainers on the development of BAT and reference books on BAT facilitated international cooperation in environmental matters. Ongoing collaboration will contribute to improving the ecological situation across the Central Asia region. The speakers, who are experts in their fields, shared their knowledge of environmental legislation and overall environmental protection, which will support future efforts to transition to BAT principles».

Baimukhametov Alisher, Senior manager of the Monitoring, Analytics and IEP Department, International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects


«I would like to express my gratitude to the organizers of the training for trainers on the development of BAT and reference documents. A special thank you goes to the international experts who generously shared their experience and knowledge in this field. With the insights gained and the new contacts established, I am confident that we can make significant progress in implementing BAT in Central Asia and strengthen partnerships in this area».

Shaimerdinova Ainur, National Expert on BAT and BREF


«I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia and the International Center for Green Technologies for organizing the important training for trainers on the development of BAT and the creation of reference documents. I extend special thanks for bringing in international experts from Germany and the Czech Republic, whose practical experience and knowledge gained within the European Union have proven extremely helpful for the development and implementation of BAT in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Your support and the high level of organization of this training have been crucial steps toward sustainable development and improving the ecological situation in our region. I would also like to express my appreciation to the guests of the training, Mr. Bizek for the insights on waste management in the Czech Republic, and Ms. Kolesnikova for the materials on wastewater management in the oil refining sector in the Czech Republic. Dear organizers, your efforts to promote environmentally responsible and sound technologies play a vital role in successfully adapting the best international practices to our realities».

Yerbol Orazbekov, waste management expert


«I want to express my immense gratitude to the organizers – CAREC and IGTIC for the opportunity to participate in the Regional workshop and the ToT on the Development of BAT. These two events provided an important platform for exchanging experiences and ideas, and I would like to share my impressions. The events were organized at a high level. I was pleasantly surprised by the variety of topics and speakers presented. Participants from different countries shared their experiences, enriching our understanding of current issues related to BAT. The discussion of practical examples was particularly valuable. The atmosphere fostered active interaction among participants, allowing us to ask questions, discuss challenges, and gain insights into the application of BAT in various fields. Overall, the training was a significant step in my professional development. I am grateful to the organizers for their hard work and for the chance to take part in this meaningful event. The training program was carefully thought out and structured in a way that continuously covered all important topics. Once again, thank you to the organizers and trainers for the excellent preparation and execution of the training. This experience will benefit me and my colleagues for many years to come».

Mukhamedzhanova Aliya, National Expert on BAT and BREF


«Thank you for the informative training; it was very enlightening. I found the international experience in issuing integrated environmental permits (IEPs) particularly interesting, especially the discussions on waste management in light of the upcoming development of reference documents on BAT for waste. I would also like to specifically commend the organizers for successfully conducting this event».

Ussina Aliya, Senior manager of the BAT Reference Department, International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects



This project is funded by the Advisory Assistance Programme (AAP) of the German Federal Environment Ministry for Environmental Protection in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and other countries bordering the European Union. It is supervised by the German Environment Agency (UBA). Responsibility for content given publications carry authors .


Additional information:

Arailym Shulgauova – Project associate,

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