Turkmenistan and IUCN will expand cooperation in the field of nature conservation

Turkmenistan and IUCN will expand cooperation in the field of nature conservation

The Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on November 11, 2023, agreeing to expand cooperation in the field of sustainable management of natural resources, protection of biodiversity and other related issues.

“As we remain committed to conserving biodiversity, our national focus remains on creating protected areas, improving their management and addressing environmental challenges. This Memorandum of Understanding formalizes our strong partnership with IUCN, a vital ally since 1978. Thanks to IUCN’s ongoing contribution to the conservation of species and protected areas, we are confident that this collaboration will further strengthen our efforts, ensuring the long-term conservation of Turkmenistan’s diverse ecosystems,” Shirin Karryeva, Biodiversity Expert, CBD/SBSTTA Focal Point for Turkmenistan and IUCN Focal Point for WCPA in Central Asia confirms.

This cooperation dates back to the 14th session of the IUCN General Assembly, which took place in Ashgabat in 1978, and the following year, the Turkmen Society for Nature Conservation joined IUCN as a member. Currently, IUCN experts in the field of species conservation, protected areas and world heritage are involved in field work and research in Turkmenistan.

“IUCN looks forward to continuing to support Turkmenistan in achieving the sustainable use of natural resources and conserving its unique natural values, thereby contributing to the achievement of national environmental goals,” Boris Erg, Acting Director of the IUCN Regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia said. “As a globally recognized convener in the fields of nature conservation, climate change and sustainable development, we are committed to continuing to promote regional cooperation on these topics and look forward to further contributions from colleagues in Turkmenistan.”

The signed cooperation agreement will help the parties achieve common goals, ranging from improving the effectiveness of the protected area system in Turkmenistan, expanding transboundary and regional cooperation and species conservation to the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity

Framework and the One Health Approach to nature conservation in the country, it is reported on the IUCN website.


Photo: orient.tm

Orient Link: https://orient.tm/en/post/66151/turkmenistan-and-iucn-will-expand-cooperation-field-nature-conservation

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