Green Games of volunteer held on the shore of the Geokdepe lake

On 3 March, as part of the #ForOurPlanet European Union Global Campaign, the European Union (EU) Delegation to Turkmenistan jointly with the Nature Protection Society of Turkmenistan, and “Agama” Mountain Climbing Club, organised the Green Games of Volunteers. The event took place on the shores of Geokdepe Lake and brought together over 100 participants. EU volunteers, representatives of the Delegation of the EU to Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Environment Protection of Turkmenistan, Embassies of the EU Member States represented in Turkmenistan, the Nature Protection Society of Turkmenistan, the “Agama” Mountain Climbing Club, eco-activists, bloggers, and media representatives came together to clean-up the shore and plant saxaul trees.
The eco event was conducted in the format of a competition, and culminated in the planting of 600 white saxaul trees, a species well suited to desert environments included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and the collection of 835 kilograms of waste from the beach.
The event was a powerful testament to the effectiveness of joint initiatives in promoting environmental awareness and action, demonstrating the potential for positive change when individuals and organizations come together to achieve a common goal. After the event, the participants left behind a cleaner, greener coast and a lasting legacy of environmental activism and comradeship.
In her opening address, H.E. Ms Beata Pęksa, the Ambassador of the European Union to Turkmenistan, underscored the following: “As the EU Delegation to Turkmenistan, our aim is to inspire all citizens and members of civil society to participate in the movement #ForOurPlanet, whether it be through tree planting, wetland restoration, or simply integrating nature into your home, rooftop, or garden. Every single action makes a difference!”
Photo: EEAS-Ashgabat
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