SIC ICWC sums up the results of the past year and announces plans for 2024

SIC ICWC sums up the results of the past year and announces plans for 2024

SIC ICWC – Scientific and information center of the Interstate Coordination Water Commission of Central Asia. It is a structure of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea. Water workers in the Central Asian countries are well aware of the importance of this organization in the region. In the publication below, the press service of SIC-ICWC introduces the main results and plans.


2023 became the anniversary year for the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS), which was created by five Central Asian countries 30 years ago. SIC actively participated in anniversary events, published a collection, an article, and contributed to the preparation of the bulletin “IFAS Turns 30.” Participated in holding and implementing decisions of two ICWC meetings. The analytical work of the center has intensified.

In addition to the seasonal analysis of the water situation in the Amu Darya and Syr Darya basins, a series of scientific and analytical notes and four early warning bulletins were released. Satellite monitoring of the state of the Southern Aral Sea region and the Aral Sea and other water bodies is being carried out. Two expeditions were organized to the dried bottom of the Aral Sea to assess the ecological state of the territory.

The discussion document “Possible ways to update the institutional and financial mechanisms of water and energy cooperation in Central Asia,” prepared with the support of the OECD and country experts, was widely discussed.

Assistance was provided in the preparation of drafts of the Water Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Strategy for Water Resources Management and Development of the Irrigation Sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2024-2026.

Practical tools have been developed to help decision makers, in particular, the computer program “Electronic rules for managing water resources of the river” has been introduced into the work of the Amudarya BWO. Amu Darya”.

The MODSNOW tool is used to predict river water content. The knowledge portal about water resources and ecology of Central Asia CAWater-Info has been replenished by 2 GB.

The “Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems” telegram channel has been launched (join

31 publications and 52 newsletters were published.


The activities of the ICWC Regional Training Center have intensified – eight training seminars and round tables have been held, including on current topics of adaptation to climate change.

Active cooperation with UN institutions continues. At the invitation of the Chairman of the 77th session of the UNGA, the director of the SIC spoke at the session of the UNGA. At the UN Water Conference in New York, SIC ICWC accepted a voluntary commitment to develop science-based transboundary cooperation. The director of the SIC continued to work as vice-chairman of the Committee for the Implementation of the Water Convention.

As a member of the Board of the World Water Council, SIC works in the Coordination Group to Strengthen Intersectoral Cooperation and Diplomacy for the preparation of the 10th World Water Forum in Bali in 2024 and the Expert Group “Water for People and Nature”. The Scientific Research Center received a certificate of honor for its contribution to the preparation of the XVIII World Water Congress as a member of the international scientific committee.

The SRC team has been replenished with new young personnel, two employees have successfully defended their dissertations (congratulations!), six young specialists are improving their English as part of the C5+ ONE (Opening Networks through English) program.

In the new year 2024, we hope to continue cooperation in all areas of our activities, including:

strengthening analytical support to countries on water issues,
preparation of the Yearbook “Water in Central Asia and the World”,
radical update of the CAWater-Info Portal
implementation of new projects “Regional mechanisms for low-carbon, climate-resilient transformation of water, energy and land nexus in Central Asia” (Nexus) and “Cross-regional training for transformative water diplomacy” (CroWD).


Source — SIC ICWC


On SREDA.UZ photo by Natalia Shulepina. In the photo – Western Aral.

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