Meeting of the Group of Friends of Glaciers at the UN Headquarters

On July 24, 2024, at the UN Headquarters, the meeting of the Group of Friends of Glaciers co-chaired by the Permanent Mission of Tajikistan and Argentina. The Chairman of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Bahodur Sheralizoda took part in the meeting and delivered a statement. The …

Meeting of the Group of Friends of Glaciers at the UN Headquarters Read More »

Central Asia faces chronic water shortages if nothing is done – EDB

The EDB proposed consolidating efforts to overcome water stress in Central Asia. This became known on June 27. EDB Chairman of the Board Nikolay Podguzov shared possible ways to resolve this issue. The countries of Central Asia are facing serious challenges, one of which is overcoming water shortages, the leadership of the Eurasian Development Bank …

Central Asia faces chronic water shortages if nothing is done – EDB Read More »

Call for Application – “Drops of the Future” Youth Workshop Water-Food-Energy Nexus

The OSCE, together with Switzerland, is organizing the Youth Workshop “Drops of the Future” on the Water-Food-Energy Nexus. The workshop will take place in the margins of the 14th Central Asian Leadership Programme (CALP) on Environment for Sustainable Development. The primary objectives are to: Build capacity for young – particularly female – professionals in the water, energy …

Call for Application – “Drops of the Future” Youth Workshop Water-Food-Energy Nexus Read More »

Water scarcity in Central Asia to reach 30% by 2030 – Aizhan Skakova

The issue of water security is one of the most acute in Central Asia. At the end of June, the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) published a new study, according to which 13% of the region’s population does not have access to safe drinking water. In addition, the existing water supply systems are seriously outdated, which entails almost …

Water scarcity in Central Asia to reach 30% by 2030 – Aizhan Skakova Read More »

A committee for the regulation, protection and use of water resources has been created in Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, in order to strengthen the fight against the “black market” for water, a new agency has been created under the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation – the Committee for the Regulation, Protection and Use of Water Resources. The press service of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation reported this. The new …

A committee for the regulation, protection and use of water resources has been created in Kazakhstan Read More »

The first results of the CAREC regional project on improving access to irrigation water in Kyrgyzstan

In the Chui region of the Kyrgyz Republic, agriculture is the most important sector of the economy, significantly influencing the well-being of the population of the region. Agriculture is highly dependent on the availability of irrigation water, which is becoming increasingly scarce due to internal migration and population growth in the Chui region, including the …

The first results of the CAREC regional project on improving access to irrigation water in Kyrgyzstan Read More »

Seminar of the project “Climate and Gender Sensitive Water Resources Management in Central Asia”

Tashkent, July 2-4, 2024 – The kick-off meeting of the project “Climate and Gender Sensitive Water Resources Management in Central Asia” (hereinafter – the Project) funded by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) on behalf of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation …

Seminar of the project “Climate and Gender Sensitive Water Resources Management in Central Asia” Read More »

6th Aral Summer School, Almaty and the Aral Sea region, Kazakhstan, August 12–22, 2024

Are you passionate about environmental conservation and sustainable resource management? If the answer is yes, We have a great news! Join the 6th Aral Summer School 2024! The 6th Aral Summer School offers topics that will help you gain a deeper understanding of important environmental and social issues in the region: Climate Change: Discover the …

6th Aral Summer School, Almaty and the Aral Sea region, Kazakhstan, August 12–22, 2024 Read More »

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