A number of measures to prevent air pollution are being introduced in Uzbekistan

A number of measures to prevent air pollution are being introduced in Uzbekistan

This is provided for by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the state program for the implementation of the strategy “Uzbekistan-2030” in the “Year of Support for Youth and Business”.

According to the Decree, in 2024, as part of the national project “Yashil Makon” (“Green Space”), at least 200 million seedlings and cuttings of ornamental and fruit trees and shrubs will be planted throughout the republic, and 444 green parks will be created.

At the same time, as part of the fight against dust storms in our country and mitigating their negative consequences, the following will be introduced from March 1, 2024:

– when a dust storm occurs in the regions and the content of fine particles in the atmospheric air is established above the established norm, introducing the practice of notifying the population and regularly informing people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and respiratory tract diseases about the necessary preventive measures, as well as other citizens whose health is affected high sensitivity to air pollution

– introduction of mandatory requirements to prevent dust and sand particles from rising into the air on construction sites measuring 500 square meters or more, and on routes of entry and exit from them;

– the movement in the city of Tashkent of vehicles intended for cargo transportation classified as categories N2, N3, O4 with a permissible maximum weight of more than 10 tons is prohibited during peak hours. At the same time, this restriction does not apply to cargo vehicles of special services, including public utilities, landscaping and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Also, until 2030, in Tashkent, Nukus and regional centers, the operation of vehicles that do not meet EURO-5 and higher standards will be gradually limited.

In addition, in Tashkent, one day of every month, the public project “Car Free Day” will be implemented, aimed at reducing car traffic (except for public transport, special and emergency services). Managers and other employees of all republican and regional executive authorities located in Tashkent will set an example by coming to work by public transport. This will help reduce the harmful effects of vehicle exhaust gases on the environment.


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