CACCC-2024: The climate work of Turkmenistan in brief

CACCC-2024: The climate work of Turkmenistan in brief

“Work is underway on the possible opening of the Regional Climate Technology Center for Central Asia under the auspices of the UN in Ashgabat,” said Magtymguly Akmuradov, Environmental Advisor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, informing about the country’s plans at the Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2024) in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

According to him, Turkmenistan and UNDP signed an agreement in 2023 to develop regional programs aimed at transferring climate technologies to Turkmenistan and the Central Asian region.

Environmental Advisor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Magtymguly Akmuradov presented a brief overview of Turkmenistan’s activities in climate change and methane emission reduction.

Briefly about the most important:

National Strategy of Turkmenistan on Climate Change (NSTIC)

In 2012, Turkmenistan adopted the National Strategy of Turkmenistan on Climate Change (NSTIC). In September 2019, a new version of the NSTIC was approved by the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan. It includes an expanded list of adaptation measures for the water and agriculture sectors, soil and land resources, ecosystems and forests, as well as mitigation measures by sectors: oil and gas, industry, and transport. Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Turkmenistan according to the updated NSTIC:

  • Introduction of modern production technologies in the electric power industry and industry;
  • Increase in the volume of associated petroleum gas utilization;
  • Reduction of natural gas losses during its transportation;
  • A decrease in gas consumption for the oil and gas industry’s own needs is reducing the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, despite the high pace of economic development.

The most important area of adaptation to climate change is the implementation of a set of measures to increase the resilience of agriculture to climate change. As part of the Forest Program, 30 million seedlings of deciduous, coniferous and fruit trees were planted throughout the country in 2021. Also, more than 3 million trees are planted annually.

Implementation of the UNFCCC

Currently, under the agreement between UNEP and UNDP, the preparation of the 4th National Communication (NC4) and the First Biennial Report to the UNFCCC Secretariat (BUR1) is being carried out jointly with the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

The development of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory System in Turkmenistan has also begun.

NDC of Turkmenistan in the framework of the implementation of the Paris Agreement

Turkmenistan ratified the Paris Agreement in 2016 and has set an ambitious goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% in 2030 compared to the BAU (Business as usual) scenario for 2010 emissions. Currently, the following work is being carried out on the implementation of NDCs under the coordination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

  • The Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan together with UNDP has completed the 1st and 2nd stages of the draft of the national Inventory System of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks, and the 3rd stage is currently being implemented. With the support of UNDP and GCF, the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) is being developed.
  • The Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan together with UNDP has started preparatory work on the development and implementation of the Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system for NDCs.
  • In the future, an important contribution to the reduction of GHG emissions in the country will be the practical implementation of the new Law of Turkmenistan “On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency”, adopted on April 6, 2024, by the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.

Global Methane Commitment

On December 1, 2023, the President of Turkmenistan announced that Turkmenistan joined the Global Methane Pledge at COP-28. It is planned to prepare a review, quantification, and report on methane emissions in the oil and gas sector of Turkmenistan within the framework of the “Power Central Asia” project, USAID. A report will be prepared on the next steps in the country’s commitment after joining the Global Methane Pledge.

In addition, a planned joint project with the International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO)-UNEP is planned to work together to reduce methane emissions.

Youth Conferences on Climate Change

In 2022-2023, on the eve of COP27 and COP28, Youth Conferences on Climate Change were held in Turkmenistan. Several regional youth conferences were also held in the velayats of the country.

“Holding such conferences creates an opportunity for young people to share experience, knowledge, opinions and ideas on strengthening actions to combat climate change,” Magtymguly Akmuradov said.

Recall that on May 27-29, 2024, the Turkmen delegation took part in CACCC 2024. The delegation consisted of representatives of the ministries and departments of Turkmenistan: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Hydrometeorology Service, the State Committee for Water Management, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, the Ministry of Finance and Economy. The delegation also included representatives of the NGO “Society for the Protection of Nature of Turkmenistan”, public organization “Tebigi Kuvvat”, and international organizations – SIC ICSD, and IFAS.

Additional information:

Mergen Kepbanov, Director of the CAREC Project Office in Turkmenistan,





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