International Mother Earth Day. 5 Facts Mother Earth in Central Asia

International Mother Earth Day. 5 Facts Mother Earth in Central Asia

The world celebrates International Mother Earth Day on 22 April. It reminds us that the healthier our ecosystems are, the healthier the planet – and its people.

5 Facts Mother Earth in Central Asia 

1 Altyn-Emel singing dune in Kazakhstan. It is located in the State National Natural Park “Altyn-Emel”. Scientists explain the singing of the dune by the friction of falling grains of sand.

2 Manjyl-Ata in Kyrgyzstan, a place rich in springs. The epic “Manas” mentions this place as sacred. It is believed that the springs cure various diseases. Each spring has its specific taste.

3 Tajik Sea. Despite being a landlocked country Tajikistan has its sea – the Tajik Sea. This is what the people of the country call the Kairakkum Reservoir. Its length is 55 km, width is 20 km, and maximum depth is 25 meters. The total volume of water in the reservoir is 4.2 km3.

4 Gas crater “Radiance of the Karakum Desert” in Turkmenistan. In 1971, a large gas crater was formed due to well drilling. Geologists set fire to the gas, trying to stop the spread of methane. Contrary to expectations, the fire did not go out and continues to burn to the present. “The Shining of the Karakum Desert” is considered one of the most unusual places on Earth.

5 Sangizhumon – “swinging stone”, this is how the name of the village in the Khatirchinsky district of the Navoi region of Uzbekistan is translated. Next to it is a rocking rock at an altitude of about 900 meters above sea level. Rocking stones are a rarity in nature; they are so balanced that little effort makes them swing despite their enormous weight. For example, the weight of the swinging stone “Sangizhumon” is about 270 kg.

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