Kazhydromet’s hydrological database is freely available

Kazhydromet’s hydrological database is freely available

A database for open use of observation results at hydrological posts of the RSE “Kazhydromet” was created on the basis of the “Rules for the provision of information by the National Hydrometeorological Service”, approved by order of the Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 267 dated July 23, 2021 (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic Kazakhstan July 27, 2021 for No. 23716).

The database contains data obtained using the state observation network, which is general-purpose information.
The database contains regime hydrological information (level, flow and condition of a water body), which is the result of processing and analysis of primary hydrological data using the “Rivers-Regime” program (Automated system for primary processing of current hydrological information from gauging stations). The data series covers the period from 1995-2019, the data processed using the “Rivers-Regime” program – from 2010 to the present and will be updated every year as observational materials are ready.
When disseminating hydrological information in the media provided by the NMHS, a mandatory link to the source of its receipt is provided.

Data is available here https://meteo.kazhydromet.kz/database_hydro/

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