Representatives of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan discussed the operating mode of the Toktogul reservoir during negotiations in Tashkent. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The meeting was attended by the Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation of Kazakhstan Nurzhan Nurzhigitov , the Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan Almasadam Satkaliyev , the Minister of Water Resources of Uzbekistan Shavkat Khamrayev , the Minister of Energy of Uzbekistan Jurabek Mirzamakhmudov and the Minister of Energy of Kyrgyzstan Taalaibek Ibrayev . The Deputy Minister of Energy of Azerbaijan Kamal Abbasov was also present as a guest.

The main issue of discussion was the operating mode of the Toktogul reservoir, the water from which is used to irrigate agricultural land in the south of Kazakhstan. In particular, the preliminary operating mode of the reservoir for 2025 was considered in order to ensure the necessary volume of water for the irrigation season.

The meeting also discussed issues of installing meters to record water consumption, which will be installed in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. It is expected that this will allow for precise control over the volume of water consumed, with online data exchange between the countries.

“An important area of ​​cooperation for our countries is the water and energy sector. This year has become a vivid example of deepening relations in our region. Thanks to the measures taken jointly, we have managed to satisfy our water needs. For a country located in the lower reaches, this is extremely important. First of all, for filling the Northern Aral Sea. We will continue to adhere to the agreements reached for the safe passage of the autumn-winter period and providing farmers with irrigation water next year,” said Nurzhan Nurzhigitov, Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation of Kazakhstan.

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