More than 250 million trees have been digitized in Uzbekistan, and a digital map has been created

More than 250 million trees have been digitized in Uzbekistan, and a digital map has been created

Currently, more than 250 million trees throughout the republic have been digitized. Trees will be certified in Tashkent in a test mode. This is provided for by Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 23, 2023, No. 199, “On measures to ensure environmental sustainability by further increasing the level of landscaping in the republic and the consistent implementation of the national project “Yashil Makon”.

For information, tree certification is carried out in three stages. In the first stage, tree registration is carried out with the help of aerial and space images. In the second stage, a database is created indicating the type, age, height, condition, and location coordinates of trees. In the third stage, each tree is assigned an identification number, and a passport is created on the electronic platform “Yashil Makon”.

As part of the first stage, the area of green spaces in all regions was determined. At the same time, the area of all trees and shrubs in the regions was processed through a geoinformation system using satellite photographs. In addition, together with the Scientific Research Institute of Environment and Environmental Technologies under the Ministry, all the trees of the republic were examined, their coordinates and numbers were determined, and a digital map was created using satellite images, remote sensing, geoinformation systems, and artificial intelligence technologies. The experiences of countries such as the USA, Canada, China, India, Australia, Russia, Germany, and Japan were studied to do this.

Trees not older than 5 years were counted. This survey was conducted in all oblasts and districts of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In total, the coordinates of 254 million, 162 thousand, and 505 trees were determined, and a digital map was created.

At the same time, in the 2nd and 3rd stages, the work is carried out by on-site inspectors. The Yashil Makon electronic platform has been improved, and a tree registry system has been introduced, where information about the type, diameter, condition, coordinates, photos, and responsible organization of trees is entered using special tablets.

Today, more than 200 thousand trees have been registered throughout the republic. Information about them is included on the electronic platform.


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