Новые подходы к водопользованию изучили на семинаре в Лебапе

On October 17-18, a practical seminar on effective water resources management in agriculture was held in Lebap velayat. The event was organized by the UNDP project “Conservation and Sustainable Management of Land Resources in the Aral Sea Basin”, implemented jointly with the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan and with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

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The workshop became a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge on water use planning in the context of climate change. Participants learned about the principles of integrated water resources management. Representatives of the Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi spoke about the cultivation of rice in the Lebap velayat, taking into account local conditions, as well as about the methods of using groundwater of the Amu Darya River for drip irrigation.

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В течение двух дней обсуждались способы повышения эффективности водопользования и защиты водных ресурсов, что поможет снизить затраты и улучшить водоснабжение орошаемых земель. На демонстрационном участке проекта в этрапе Данев участники увидели работу скважин, установленных для мониторинга состояния орошаемых земель, а также новую технологию дождевого полива.

Часть семинара включала поездку на канал «Берзен», где участники познакомились с системой учета и распределения воды Бассейновой водохозяйственной организации «Амударья».

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The workshop was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Education, the State Committee for Water Resources, the regional administration, as well as local NGOs and the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.


Photo: UNDP

Orient Link: https://orient.tm/ru/post/76543/novye-podhody-k-vodopolzovaniyu-izuchili-na-seminare-v-lebape

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