CAREC Annual Report 2023

Annual Report of the Regional Environmental Cenre for Central Asia (CAREC) for 2023.

In this report, you can get acquainted with the main results and achievements of CAREC during the past year.

The purpose of the report is to highlight and evaluate the progress of CAREC’s strategic goals on the following priorities:

  1. Generation of knowledge and evidence base
  2. Supporting national governments, the public and other stakeholders in developing comprehensive policies, plans and strategies for climate change mitigation and sustainable use of natural resources
  3. Strengthening regional dialogues with national and cross-border practices and experiences to stimulate information exchange, cooperation and partnerships
  4. Strengthening institutional arrangements and management systems within CAREC for the implementation of The 2020-2025 Strategy of CAREC

The report also includes a financial information and annexes with detailed information on projects, events, publications and partners in the reporting year.

The annual report was agreed upon on December 20, 2023 at the 56th Meeting of the CAREC Board of Governors.

Download the report in pdf.

Additional information: Ludmila Kiktenko, Environmental Management Programme’s Manager, CAREC,

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