Site ministère du pétrole et de l’énergie _ Production
Question 2.1.1a: Does the government have an online data portal containing publicly available data on reserves, production and exports?
Question 2.1.1a: Does the government have an online data portal containing publicly available data on reserves, production and exports?
Question 1.4.10b: Is the majority of the SOE’s board of directors independent of the government (i.e. at least half of all board members do not hold positions in the current central government)?
Question 2.3b: If there are multiple natural resource funds, which is the largest?
Question 1.1.8b: From 2015 onwards, have the beneficial owners of extractive companies been disclosed?, 1.1.7b: Do rules require public disclosure of beneficial owners of extractive companies?
Question 2.3.2c: From 2015 onwards, has the government adhered to the numeric rules governing the size of withdrawals from sovereign wealth funds?, 2.3.3b: Is the sovereign wealth fund prohibited from investing in certain asset classes or investment types?, 2.1.2a: Does the country have a numerical fiscal rule?, 2.1.3a: Over the most
Question 1.4b: Does the SOE receive a production share or in-kind payments from extractive companies?, 1.1.5c: Following the licensing process, is the licensing authority required to publicly disclose the list of areas or blocks allocated?, 1.2.3a: Is the government required to publicly disclose data on payments from extractive companies to
Question 2.3.4c: Does the sovereign wealth fund’s most recent publicly available annual financial report specify the fund’s asset allocation by asset class?, 1.4b: Does the SOE receive a production share or in-kind payments from extractive companies?
Question 1.4.8c: Does the SOE or government publicly disclose the date of the production sales executed by the SOE? , 1.2.2a: Does the government publicly disclose data on the value of extractive resource exports?, 1.4.8d: Does the SOE or government publicly disclose the names of the companies that bought the
Question 1.2.5f: Who is the tax authority (i.e. who has the authority to collect taxes and payments from extractive companies)?, 1.1.1a: Does the government publicly disclose data on extractive resource reserves?, 1.1.1b: How up-to-date is the publicly disclosed data on extractive resource reserves?, 1.4.7b: Are there rules that determine the
Question 1.1.2d: Does the publicly available registry of licenses/contracts give the names of companies that hold an interest in a given area/block?, 1.1.10a: From 2015 onwards, has the government publicly disclosed signed licences/contracts?