Snow water equivalent dynamics in the Yesil water management basin

Snow water equivalent dynamics in the Yesil water management basin


The article presents the snow water equivalent (SWE) dynamics in the Yesil Water Management Basin during 1971-2019. The main research purpose was to study the SWE dynamics, since – being a powerful climate-forming factor – snow cover plays an important role in climatic, hydrological, and glaciological processes. The analysis was carried out using mathematical statistics methods, specifically comparing the mean long-term values for two consecutive periods (baseline 1971-1995 and modern 1996-2019); the method of time series linear approximation and the Mann-Kendall method were applied to determine the trend of change. The study used the decadal maximum SWE data of 24 meteorological stations in the target basin. The research revealed that over a long period of time the SWE ranged from 38 mm (Chkalovo Station) to 146 mm (Balkashino Station); pointed to later periods of accumulation and earlier periods of complete stagnation during the modern period against the baseline; as well as detected cyclical fluctuations during various SWE anomaly periods in the first approximation. The SWE dynamics over two consecutive periods and the outcomes of linear approximation and Mann-Kendall analysis indicate statistically significant changes in water reserves at the Zhaksy, Ruzayevka, Saumalkol, Vozvyshenka Stations, and statistically insignificant changes at other stations.

Т.А. Tillakarim, A. Gafurov, A. М.Kauazov RESULTS OF MODELLING OF SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT WITH USING MODSNOW MODEL IN ESIL RIVER MANAGEMENT BASIN // Гидрометеорология и экология. 2023. №4 (111). URL: (дата обращения: 01.03.2024).


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