REAP project to take part in the 23rd International Exhibition on Food, Ingredients and Food Technologies – UzFood 2024

REAP project to take part in the 23rd International Exhibition on Food, Ingredients and Food Technologies – UzFood 2024

REAP project will participate in the 23rd International Exhibition on Food, Ingredients and Food Technologies – UzFood 2024 which will be held on March 26-28 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

UzFood is an annual, international exhibition of great importance for the food industry and food products. Exhibitors include manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of the food industry from all over the world.

The Association for the Promotion of Recycling and Environmental Protection in Austria (AREC), REAP project consortium member, was invited to demonstrate the project activities at the exhibition by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO).

REAP project will organize a joint stall to present its achievements and share the experience of the implementation of the Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) practices in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan and introduce SCP cells, which will be established in near future.

Participation in UzFood is an excellent opportunity to present the benefits of the REAP project and to introduce to the target audience the services that the clusters will provide to Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs).

The REAP project is implemented by an international consortium under financial support of the European Union. The consortium comprises the National Association of Small and Medium Businesses of Tajikistan (NAMSB), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan (CCIUz), the German Consulting Office adelphi, the Association for the Promotion of Recycling and Environmental Protection in Austria (AREC), STENUM Asia Sustainable Development Society (STENUM Asia), and the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). The consortium is led by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC).


Additional information:

Valeria Orlova, REAP Project Manager,

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