

Navoi Scaling Solar Independent Power Producer Project (P170598)

The objective of the Navoi Scaling Solar Independent Power Producer (IPP) Project for Uzbekistan is to increase and diversify electricity generation capacity through private investment in Uzbekistan. The proposed project will be the country’s first competitively selected private investment in power generation, first grid-scale renewable energy project, and first World Bank guarantee operation in Uzbekistan, with strong demonstration effects in Central Asia and beyond. The proposed Navoi Scaling Solar IPP Project supports the Government’s policy objectives and reforms in the energy sector. These include expanding generation capacity through renewables, improving security of supply from domestic energy resources and promoting private sector participation to strengthen the energy sector sustainability, which is crucial for economic recovery and growth and job creation. Support under this WBG initiative is expected to accelerate the Uzbekistan energy sector development and improve its efficiency by deploying new business and financing schemes in the form of PPPs/IPPs. The Navoi Scaling Solar IPP will also support the Government’s commitments on climate change and its Nationally Determined Contribution implementation, particularly through the development of renewable energy and avoidance of GHG emissions. The proposed project’s implementation and success will further accelerate the deployment of new renewable generation capacities, and hence the clean energy transition to stimulate economic recovery and development of appropriate infrastructure, when the COVID-19 crisis eases. The proposed project will involve the first-time deployment of an IFC financing in the energy sector and the IBRD’s risk mitigation product in Uzbekistan. The project will directly contribute to the Maximizing Finance for Development (MFD) /Cascade Approach goals and bring additional climate co-benefits from the development of scalable clean energy investment program.

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Electricity Sector Transformation and Resilient Transmission (P171683)

The Project Development Objectives (PDO) are to (i) strengthen the performance of the National Electricity Grid of Uzbekistan (NEGU), and (ii) improve the capacity and reliability of the power transmission system to integrate large-scale renewable energy sources. The Project has the following four components: (a) Digitalization of the electricity transmission sector, (b) Power grid strengthening and renewable energy integration, (c) NEGU institutional development and project implementation support, and (d) Electricity market development. The Project will support strengthening the resilience of and greening the Uzbekistan power grid through upgrade and expansion of its capacity as well as enabling the grid integration of private sector-led renewable energy sources. Core outcomes also include improved performance and corporate transformation of the transmission company (NEGU) to evolve into a modern and commercially-run company.

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Additional Financing to Nurek Phase 2 (P177609)

Component 1: Rehabilitation of six generating units and other key infrastructure, and purchase of machinery required for maintenance of the power plant. Component 2: Technical assistance. This component will support the implementation of the project and strengthen the institutional capacity.

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Clean Energy for Buildings in Uzbekistan (P176060)

The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve energy efficiency in public buildings and enhance the regulatory framework for clean energy investments in the buildings sector. The project has three components: (a) clean energy investments in public buildings; (b) TA to enhance the enabling environment for EE investments, support market development, and provide project implementation support; and (c) the Contingent Emergency and Response Component (CERC).
The project simultaneously addresses the objectives to save energy in public buildings and enhance the regulatory framework for clean energy investments in the buildings sector, creating the foundation for the successful implementation of the UBEEP.

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Chakan GES Modernization

The Project is to finance the reconstruction and rehabilitation of small hydro power plant (“HPP”) units owned by Chakan GES, a local power plant operation with a total installed capacity of 38.5 MW, fully-owned subsidiary of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The project is aimed to utilize the full potential of the HPP units that would increase the electricity output and support mitigating the hydrology risk.
The Project will contribute to the efforts in solving the long-lasting operational issues in the aged and inefficient HPP infrastructure through the rehabilitation program. Modernization of renewable energy sources will result in a more resilient power sector in the country, ensuring a more reliable power supply.

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Uzbekistan Dzhankeldy WPP

The project is to finance the development, design, construction and operation of the 500 MW Dzhankeldy WPP as well as associated 500 kV overhead transmission lines located in the Peshku district, Bukhara region of Uzbekistan.
The pilot wind projects developed by ACWA Power and the Government of Uzbekistan under the Government’s efforts to attract private investment to the generation sector. The project will be highly representative in terms of energy supply diversification, increased use of renewables potential and attracting private investment. It will assist the country in its low-carbon transition, reducing its current high reliance on thermal power generation.

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Uzbekistan Bash WPP

The project finance basis to finance the development, design, construction and operation of the 500 MW Bash WPP as well as associated 500 kV overhead transmission lines located in the Gijduvon district, Bukhara region of Uzbekistan.
The project will be highly representative in terms of energy supply diversification, increased use of renewables potential and attracting private investment. It will assist the country in its low-carbon transition, reducing its current high reliance on thermal power generation.

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Clean Energy for Buildings in Uzbekistan

The development objective is to improve energy efficiency in public buildings and enhance the regulatory framework for clean energy investments in the buildings sector.The project has three components: (a) clean energy investments in public buildings, (b) TA to enhance the enabling environment for EE investments, support market development, and provide project implementation
support, and (c) the Contingent Emergency and Response Component (CERC) component.

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Rural Electrification Project

The development objective of the Rural Electrification Project for Tajikistan is to provide electricity access to target settlements in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) and Khatlon regions of Tajikistan. The project comprises of two components. The first component, provision of electricity access to target settlements in GBAO region consists of following sub-components: (i) construction of micro-grids, and connection of consumers to micro-grids and centralized distribution network of Pamir Energy Company (PEC); and (ii) project implementation support to PEC, technical assistance for additional geological site investigation works for Sebzor hydropower plant (HPP), and promotion of energy efficiency. The second component, provision of electricity access to target settlements in Khatlon region consists of following sub-components: (i) connection of target settlements to the centralized distribution network of Barqi Tojik (BT); and (ii) project implementation support to BT.

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