

Rational and efficient use of energy and water resources in Central Asia

To promote the rational and efficient use of energy and water resources in the economies of Central Asia. Increase in skills of national decision makers and experts in rational and efficient use of energy and water resources; Ability of member States to engage in cooperative and negotiated approaches to solving transboundary issues.

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Pamir Private Power

Improve the reliability and enhance the quantity of electricity supply in the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast. Cover the costs associated with a financing gap, caused by the unexpected need to restore and repair equipment and facilities damaged by a catastrophic flooding

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Improving Energy Efficiency in the Residential Building Sector of Turkmenistan

The project helped to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by improving energy management and reducing energy consumption in the residential sector in Turkmenistan. The project aimed at strengthening incentives and capacity to build highly energy-efficient buildings, develop capacity at Turkmengas to identify end-use energy savings in its housing stock and implement investments to reduce end-use energy consumption, introduce improved highly-efficient design measures to major housing designers and developers, and replicate these measures through protocols for energy-saving measures in prototype buildings and through mainstreaming energy-efficiency issues into policies and programs.

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Yes (Da) to the Covenant (DACO)

The project aimed at supporting the local authorities in the Central Asia and ENP-East are to acquire a common methodology to correctly monitor, evaluate and reduce their energy consumptions and CO2 emissions by joining the Covenant of Mayors’ principles, rules and goals.

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INOGATE Technical Secretariat & Integrated Programme in support of the Baku Initiative and the Eastern Partnership energy objectives

The overall objective of the proposed programme is to contribute to the progress of the INOGATE Partner Countries in the achievement of the Baku Initiative and the Eastern Partnership objectives. The programme would support a reduction in their dependency on fossil fuels and imports, improvement of the security of their energy supply, and climate change overall mitigation.

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