Sanitation, wastewater and waste, housing and communal services


Shymkent WWTP Capacity Extension Project

The project is to finance the Priority Investment Programme consisting of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (“WWTP”) capacity extension and the wastewater network rehabilitation. The project is expected to be a ‘trigger’ investment for the city under the Green Cities Framework 2 Window II (GrCF2 W2).
The Project (i) will generate substantive environmental benefits through reduction of local pollution and employment of the EU environmental standards; (ii) will lead to climate mitigation benefits through elimination of GHG emissions via generating electricity through the company’s existing combined heat and power (CHP) units from biogas collected from wastewater sludge.
The Project will support (i) mapping of skills in demand in the technical and greener wastewater management sector; (ii) introducing an improved learning programme for young specialists; and (iii) developing closer partnerships between the Company’s training centre and local education institutions for skills strengthening.

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Tajikistan Strengthening Water and Irrigation Management Project (P175356)

The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to: (i) strengthen capacity for water resources planning and irrigation management in Tajikistan and (ii) improve performance of selected irrigation schemes in the Vakhsh and Zarafshon river basins. The project has assessed medium and large irrigation schemes using metrics of need and impact relating to rehabilitation and modernization and uses these assessments to prioritize scheme. Indicators of scheme performance will be monitored during implementation to track improvement. Performance of schemes will be considered in terms of water delivery, energy efficiency, and economic productivity.

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Tajikistan Water Supply and Sanitation Investment Project (P177325)

The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve access to safely-managed water supply services in selected districts; and to strengthen the capacity of institutions in the water supply and sanitation sector for improved service delivery.
The project consists of four components: Component 1 (Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building (ISCB) of Water Sector Institutions) will finance a range of activities targeting ISCB of water sector institutions at national, regional, and local levels to ensure sustainable service provision in the project area. Component 2 (Water Supply and Sanitation Investments) will finance implementation of WSS infrastructure solutions that will be simple and robust, include climate resilience measures, and will be structured along two parts: Subcomponent 2A (Investments within the Vakhsh bulk transmission system) will support water infrastructure investments and Subcomponent 2B (Decentralized WASH solutions for schools and healthcare institution) will target upgrade of WASH facilities in social institutions. Component 3 (Project Management and Monitorin) will support project management and Monitoring, and Component 4 (Contingent Emergency Response Component) is a CERC.

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Climate Resilient Water Services Project (P173734)

The project development objective is to (i) increase access to climate-resilient water services in selected river basins, and (ii) strengthen institutional capacities for climate-resilient water management at the local and national levels. The project will improve the coverage and quality of WSS and I&D services in selected basins. At the national level, the project will increase institutional capacities for climate-resilient water management. With regards to the first part of the PDO, climate resilient water services are defined as water services that achieve coverage and quality standards despite possible climate risks (droughts, high temperature and extreme heat, urban flooding and sewerage overflows, floods, and mudflows). With regard to the second part of the PDO, climate-resilient water management is defined as the ability of water sector institutions at the local and national levels to prepare for disruptions and recover from shocks related to climate risks.

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Tashkent Water Improvement Project

The Project is to rehabilitate and extend the wastewater and water infrastructure in Tashkent delivering multiple environmental benefits, including (i) the increase in the number of people connected to water and wastewater networks by around 280,000 and 390,000 residents, respectively, (ii) the reduction of water losses and (iii) energy savings.

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Namangan Water Improvement Project

The Project is expected to increase the number of people connected to safe water by 280,000, increase the volume of treated wastewater, reduce water losses and secure energy savings. PIP includes such investments in water and wastewater infrastructure of Namangan oblast as the rehabilitation of water and wastewater networks and pumping stations, the construction of water and wastewater treatment plants, laboratory equipment and the extension of metering coverage in the city of Namangan. These components are aimed at improving water quality, access to safe drinking water and wastewater treatment services.

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Almaty Electric Public

The project is to finance (i) the acquisition of 190 modern, energy efficient trolleybuses to renew the Company’s existing fleet; and (ii) the rehabilitation of 10 power supply sub-stations.
The Project is aimed at improving public transport services in the City in terms of quality, reliability, sustainability and environmental, health and safety standards. The Project contributes to the reduction of GHG emissions through energy efficiency increase

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Atyrau Refinery Sustainability Loan

The project is to improve resource efficiency and reduce emissions by upgrading process water treatment facilities resulting in increased water reuse and resolve long-standing environmental issues by remediating 860 ha evaporation ponds adjacent to the city of Atyrau.
The project implementation will result in (i) an improvement of water efficiency, (ii) the minimisation of adverse ecological impacts by remediating the evaporation ponds, and (iii) a reduction of GHG emissions and volatile organic compounds.

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Fayzobod water and wastewater project

The Project aims to rehabilitate water supply and undertake selected wastewater improvements, which will help reduce water losses and result in environmental benefits. It is also expected to yield energy savings as the Company will switch from underground water supply to primarily gravity water supply.

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Karakalpakstan Solid Waste Project

The projetc is to finance the construction of new EU standards-compliant sanitary landfills, waste sorting plants, waste transfer stations and the supply of special equipment and vehicles. The Project is expected to bring significant health and environmental benefits and result in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings.

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