Water, reservoir, reservoirs, water conservation, water conservation system, irrigation, watering the land, watering, watering, watering, water supply, water body, dam, dams, water infrastructure, water resources, dam, dams, photo - Zakon.kz News from 10/18/2024 09:06
Photo: primeminister.kz
By a resolution dated August 28, 2024, the Government approved a new version of the Concept for the Development of the Water Resources Management System of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2024-2030, Zakon.kz reports.

The document notes that modern consumption and use of water resources is often unsustainable and irrational, leading to overuse, pollution and depletion.

The situation is complicated by the impact of global climate change, which leads to droughts and floods, deterioration of water quality and availability of safe drinking water.

Effective water resources management is a key factor in ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of the country, as well as water, food and energy security by maintaining water balance to meet the water needs of all water users and consumers.

The Concept highlights the following main problems in the water sector:

  • Irrational and inefficient use of water resources
  • Outdated water infrastructure
  • Lack of adequate information and analytical support and monitoring of the water resources management system
  • Deterioration of the environmental situation taking into account climate change and anthropogenic load
  • Dependence on transboundary rivers
  • Imperfection of scientific, methodological and personnel support
  • Imperfection of the institutional environment and legislative framework

The main vectors of development of the water sector in the Republic of Kazakhstan are the creation of conditions for satisfying the growing water needs of the population, the environment and economic sectors, ensuring effective management of water resources in the context of global climate change.

As a result of the implementation of the Concept by 2030, unproductive losses during water transportation will be reduced, a system of hydrogeological and meliorative monitoring will be developed to improve the condition of irrigated lands, and the technical condition of hydraulic structures will be improved to guarantee water supply to economic sectors and reduce the risk of emergency situations.

The digital technologies and intelligent systems being implemented in the field of water resources management will make it possible to automate the centralized collection, storage and analysis of data, which will ensure a more efficient management and control system.

The main principles of the implementation of the Concept:

  • the principle of human-centrism – when making any decision, the person and his interests come first;
  • the principle of transparency (openness) – mandatory publication of information on the implementation of the Concept for the Development of the Water Resources Management System of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the exception of information related to state secrets;
  • the principle of effectiveness and efficiency – achieving goals, objectives and performance indicators with the least expenditure of resources, based on a deep analysis of the current situation;
  • the principle of unity and integrity – the unity of legislation in the field of water resources, the principles of organization and functioning of the water resources management system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the procedure for implementing the water resources management process;
  • the principle of reliability and realism – a justified possibility of achieving the goals and performance indicators established by this Concept;
  • the principle of resource security – determining the sources and volumes of financing, human, other material and intangible resources to achieve the set goals and objectives;
  • the principle of responsibility – the responsibility of the performers (participants) of the process of developing the water resources management system of the Republic of Kazakhstan for ineffective, poor-quality solution of problems and failure to achieve expected results within the limits of their competence in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The concept will be implemented in the following areas:

  • increasing the efficiency of water resource use;
  • modernization and development of water management infrastructure;
  • improving information and analytical support for the water resources management system;
  • improving the environmental situation and adapting to climate change;
  • development of cross-border cooperation;
  • improvement of scientific, methodological and personnel support;
  • improving the institutional environment and legislative framework.

In particular, it is planned to build 42 and reconstruct 37 reservoirs. Modernization and digitalization of at least 3,500 km of irrigation canals. Inventory of watering facilities on pasture lands. Reconstruction and construction of watering facilities on pasture lands. Reconstruction and repair and restoration work on 14,450 kilometers of irrigation canals. Reconstruction and modernization of the Kanysh Satpayev Canal.

In addition, studies will be conducted on the feasibility, economic feasibility and selection of an acceptable project for providing Astana with water, including the creation of a reserve source of drinking water.

A number of measures will be aimed at increasing the level of material and technical equipment of the State Enterprise on the Right of Economic Management “Kazvodkhoz”.

As part of the digitalization of the industry, it is planned to:

  • Creation of a unified system for recording, monitoring and forecasting water resources, which includes information on the state and quantity of water resources, water management and hydraulic structures, as part of the development of an interactive geoinformation platform for water resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan hydro.gov.kz.
  • Digitalization and automation of water metering on main and inter-farm irrigation canals, as well as processes of accounting, control and monitoring of water resources at hydraulic structures.
  • Development of the digital geoservice flood.gharysh.kz for flood modeling and forecasting.
  • Development of a digital platform for water consumption based on Earth remote sensing data and field verification HydroSpace.
  • Development of electronic maps (diagrams) of flood water movement and risks for populated areas.

To improve the environmental situation and water quality of water bodies, the following measures are envisaged:

  • Carrying out cleaning of water bodies.
  • Implementation of a set of measures to restore the Northern Aral Sea.
  • Taking measures to preserve the Kokaral Dam and restore the Syr Darya River delta.
  • Conducting a comprehensive study of the Caspian Sea.
  • Maintaining the level of Lake Balkhash at 341 m according to the Baltic system.
  • Conducting environmental releases.
  • Promoting river rehabilitation.
  • Conducting an inventory of sources of pollution of water bodies.

Expected results of the implementation of the Concept:

  • Provision of water resources to the population and sectors of the national economy – 100%.
  • Minimization of negative consequences from hazardous hydrological phenomena (floods, floods, droughts).
  • Preservation and restoration of water bodies to a state that ensures ecologically favorable living conditions.

The target indicators will achieve the following values ​​by 2030:

  • Savings in irrigation water due to the introduction of water-saving technologies in irrigated agriculture will amount to 2192 million cubic meters/year.
  • The level of water reuse in economic sectors will increase from 17 to 28%
  • The level of water losses in agriculture through water transport channels will decrease from 50 to 25%
  • Digital coverage of water management systems to increase to 40%
  • The volume of inflow into Lake Balkhash will be at least 12 km3/year
  • The volume of the Northern Aral Sea will increase from 20 to 27 km3
  • The number of abandoned self-flowing hydrogeological wells will decrease from 2,256 to 2,000 units

The regulation came into effect on August 28, 2024.


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