Workshop on basin planning and management issues in Turkmenistan

Workshop on basin planning and management issues in Turkmenistan

Ashgabat – Turkmenistan – On November 2-3, 2023, the USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity (WAVE) held a workshop on basin planning and management.

The workshop was organized based on the request from the State Committee for Water Management of Turkmenistan (SCWMT). Training was attended by the representatives from the regional branches on water management of SCWMT.

At the seminar, participants were informed on the latest updates and revisions to the Water Code of Turkmenistan on basin management and planning, discussed new trends and best practices on the basin principle of water resources management in Central Asian countries, and heard a course of lectures on the development of basin plans. In addition, international partners, such as GIZ and UNDP, shared their work plans on capacity building of basin organizations and governmental structures on water resources management in the country.

The goal of the USAID Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity (WAVE) is to strengthen technical capacity and regional cooperation for managing shared water resources in Central Asia to enhance stability, economic prosperity, and healthy ecosystems.

The project uses a multi-level approach to address complex regional water issues, as follows:

– Strengthening cooperation through dialog with stakeholders;

– development of a common vision and promotion of joint actions between sectors and levels of governance through the introduction of an interlinked water-energy-food-ecosystems (WEFE) approach to planning and decision-making;

– integrated and sustainable management of the Syrdarya and Amudarya river basins;

– implementation of IWRM principles in Central Asian countries.

Contact information – Irana Bagirova, e-mail:

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