CAССС-2024: Interactive modeling of the Nexus approach

CAССС-2024: Interactive modeling of the Nexus approach

Almaty, Kazakhstan – On May 28, on the sidelines of the Central Asian Conference on Climate Change (CACCC-2024), an interactive simulation of the Nexus approach (Nexus Game) was conducted with the participation of representatives of the academic community, research institutes, international and regional organizations.


The game presented the concept of interdependence of water, energy, food and environmental security. Thus, the participants were divided into two countries and actively worked and negotiated to provide their countries with vital resources such as water, energy and food. As a result of the game, the two countries built joint environmentally friendly water and energy facilities that allowed them to get rid of environmental pollution and maintain sustainable development.


«The game showed us that the most basic factor of sustainable development is cooperation. After all, it is cooperation and joint solutions that help achieve stability and prosperity. I hope that the lessons learned from today’s game will become an impetus for making the right decisions in practice in the future», – Aziz Khaidarov, doctoral student at the «Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers» National Research University.





It should be noted that the Nexus game highlights the need for negotiations and cooperation between countries and sectors in the face of climate change. It promotes the development of more flexible and sustainable development strategies, taking into account the interests of all stakeholders.


The game demonstrated to the participants and guests of CACСC-2024 the implementation of the Nexus approach in an interactive format and aroused great interest. This, in turn, helped to promote the dissemination of this approach at the regional level.




Brief information




The Nexus Simulation was developed by the Centre for Systems Solutions in collaboration with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and the “Sustainable Energy for All” Initiative. The history of its implementation in the Central Asian region began in 2018 within the framework of the EU project “Nexus Dialogue in Central Asia” implemented by CAREC. The game represents a facilitated process of playing 5 different scenarios for developing the territories upstream and downstream while addressing water needs of population, industry and agriculture and taking into account climate change challenges. Currently, the Nexus Game is actively promoted by CAREC in universities, academies, basin organizations and media in Central Asia with funding from the EU and USAID.




Additional information: Ludmila Kiktenko, Environmental Management Program Manager, CAREC,

#NexusCentralAsia #CAREC #EU #environment #NexusGame #USAID #USAIDWAVE


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