2025 has been declared the Year of Environmental Protection and Green Economy in Uzbekistan. What changes are expected?

The draft presidential decree on the state program for 2025 has been submitted for public discussion, the legal portal Norma reports.
It defines practical measures, a list of draft regulatory legal acts to be developed, and target indicators in the context of priority areas of the Uzbekistan 2030 Strategy.
The draft state program provides for 295 practical measures for 2025 in 5 priority areas, a list of 87 regulatory legal acts and target indicators for each area.
The program covers 5 key areas:
ecology – environmental protection and conservation of water resources;
social policy – education, health care, social protection, youth;
green economy – ensuring the well-being of the population through sustainable economic growth;
public administration and the judicial and legal sphere – ensuring the rule of law, organizing governance in the service of the people;
Foreign policy and security – ensuring security and peaceful policy.
The program defines key priorities for the country’s development in 2025:
  • improving the ecological appearance of mahallas, increasing the level of street greening, creating an ecologically favorable and prosperous living environment;
  • strengthening public health, creating conditions for the formation of an ecological lifestyle and the realization of human potential;
  • careful attitude and rational use of natural resources, ensuring environmental sustainability;
  • protection, reproduction and preservation for future generations of flora and fauna;
  • sustainable financing of projects aimed at the widespread implementation of the principles of the “green economy” and adaptation of the economy to climate change;
  • increasing the share of renewable energy in the energy balance of the republic, including the construction of large “green power plants” on the basis of public-private partnerships, expanding the network of small and micro hydroelectric power plants in the regions, and stimulating the installation of solar panels in households;
  • reducing the “carbon footprint” of the economy through the widespread use of modern energy-saving technologies in economic sectors and the social sphere;
  • ensuring interregional and intersectoral coordination aimed at environmental sustainability.
In order to organize high-quality and timely implementation of the program, quarterly target indicators and the executors responsible for them have been defined for each item.
The project’s innovation was the introduction of a new procedure for assessing the effectiveness of reforms. Now citizens will be able to express their opinion on the impact of each initiative on their lives through an electronic portal.
Green color is a great result;
Yellow – satisfactory result;
Red – the result is unsatisfactory.
The draft presidential decree on the state program for 2025 was developed by the Development Strategy Center and posted on the Internet portal of the National Strategy “Uzbekistan-2030”.
It will be widely discussed by the public and experts until January 22, 2025.
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