Question 1.1.5d: Are there rules that companies can follow to appeal licensing decisions?,
1.1.5a: Following each licensing process, is the licensing authority required to disclose the list of companies that submitted license applications (in the case of a first-come, first served; or negotiation round) or bids (in the case of an auction)?,
1.1.5c: Following the licensing process, is the licensing authority required to publicly disclose the list of areas or blocks allocated?,
1.1.5b: Following each licensing process, is the licensing authority required to publicly disclose the identity of the winning bidder or applicant?,
1.4.1a: Are there rules governing fiscal transfers between the government and the SOE?,
1.1.3c: Prior to each license process, is the licensing authority required to disclose the rules governing the licensing process, such as auction or negotiation rules?,
1.1.3b: Prior to each licensing process, is the licensing authority required to disclose a list of biddable terms or negotiable terms?,
1.1.3a: Is the government required to set pre-defined criteria by which companies become qualified to participate in a licensing process?,
1.4.3a: Is the SOE required to publicly disclose annual reports containing information on its finances and operations?,
1.4.3b: Do rules require a periodic audit of the SOE’s financial statements by an external body?,
1.4.3c: Is the SOE required to submit annual reports to the legislature on its commercial, non-commercial (i.e. regulatory) and non-operational activities (i.e. activities not related to resource extraction)?,
1.1.10d: Is the legislature required to ratify licenses/contracts?