Focus on climate content for content creators in Central Asia

Focus on climate content for content creators in Central Asia

On the eve of the Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2024), the first part of the training for content creators from Central Asian countries took place online.

The training purpose is to increase the amount of high-quality media content on the consequences of global climate change in Central Asian countries with a focus on land degradation and water and energy problems in the region.

The training gathered content makers from Central Asian countries who successfully developed media platforms on new media platforms: bloggers/influencers, eco-activists who create content, journalists from the mass media/media projects including print media, television, radio, online platforms, media projects (groups and channels in WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.).

The training format includes a blended learning approach, which allows you to create a training solution design by combining online and offline activities before CACCC-2024 and mentoring directly on the sidelines of the conference. The training design is based on the principles of andragogy and heutagogy. It combines several training approaches, including immersion in the topic of climate change at the global, regional and country levels, creation of the full cycle of content production, mentoring and increasing the capacity of content creators taking into account their needs.

The next part of the training will take place on May 24 and will be devoted to practical issues of pre-production. On May 26, 28, and 29, expert sessions will be held in an offline format, as well as interactive classes during CACCC-2024.

The training was organized by the Central Asia Water and Energy Program CAWEP and the PROGREEN Trust Fund.

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