The Second Youth Forum of the Syr Darya River Basin was held within the framework of the Green Patrols program, which brought together more than 150 participants from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The event was a continuation of last year’s forum, which laid the foundation for the creation of a platform for regional cooperation in the field of integrated water and natural resource management.

“The Youth Forum of the Syr Darya River Basin has already become a permanent platform for the involvement and interaction of representatives of the Green Patrols on issues of water resource management in the Syr Darya River basin. In turn, the Green Patrols act as ambassadors in their communities, promoting issues of rational use of water and natural resources in the context of climate change,” said Daler Usmonov, coordinator of the Green Patrols.

In addition, the forum platform serves to strengthen cooperation between young activists, experts and representatives of government and public organizations, which helps to find joint approaches to transboundary environmental issues.

One of the central events was work in groups, where participants discussed ways to solve specific environmental problems in their countries. Young people actively proposed ideas for introducing water-saving technologies, improving the quality of drinking water, and developing environmental education in schools and universities.

The Green Patrols programme has been in operation since 2022, when it covered schools and additional education centres in 14 cities and districts of Tajikistan’s Sughd region. Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan soon joined the programme, expanding its coverage and strengthening regional cooperation in water management.

In 2024, the Second Youth Forum focused on practical approaches to natural resource management. Particular attention was paid to water conservation and improving the quality of drinking water, which is especially relevant for Central Asian countries. Throughout the year, educational and preparatory events were held in schools and additional education centers so that participants had the opportunity to apply their knowledge in practice.

The first Youth Forum, held in 2023, was a milestone for the environmental movement in the region, engaging over 300 participants from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in discussions on natural resource management. The event resulted in an action plan aimed at integrating environmental initiatives into city and district development programs.

The Green Patrols programme will continue its work, expanding its reach to new cities and districts and involving even more young people who are eager to contribute to solving environmental problems in the region.

The event was held within the framework of the implementation of the “National Project on Water Resources Management in Tajikistan”, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and implemented by the Helvetas and ACTED consortium within the framework of the “Comprehensive State Program for the Development of Environmental Education and Upbringing of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2021-2025”, the Water Resources Department of the Syrdarya Basin Zone, the UNDP Regional Office in the Sughd Region, the International Secretariat for Water, the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe, IWPR and the public organization “Youth Group for Environmental Protection” with the assistance of the Main Department of Environmental Protection of the Sughd Region, the Regional Education Department and the Center for Continuing Education.