The fierce year 2024, which was cruel for the entire planet, has ended. There are few regions and spheres of life that it has not affected. One of these spheres is ecology. It almost always immediately fades into the background if something happens in the economy, politics, or social sphere, but its impact on people’s lives is difficult to overestimate, says the correspondent . 

Svetlana Mogilyuk, Chairperson of the Ecoforum of Kazakhstan and member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, shared her thoughts on this matter with the editorial board of :


“In the past year, I would highlight several events related to the environment in our country. First of all, it is necessary to note the severe damage caused by floods. These are the consequences of the fact that the authorities, especially at the local level, still underestimate the risks of climate change, which will only increase. Kazakhstan has long needed to have well-thought-out plans for adaptation to climate change, but we are only beginning to develop them at the national level.”

Svetlana Mogilyuk / photo from personal archive

The time change has shaken up the whole society and affected the interests of the environment. People have less time in the evening to work on their garden plots.

“I’ve heard a lot of complaints this year that it’s impossible to do what we used to do at our dachas. You can’t work in the garden in the dark. But dachas and gardens are a very important element of greening communities. In addition, early darkness requires more energy, which means it increases the carbon footprint, because most of our energy is coal-fired power plants, and the increase in their emissions is, of course, a negative phenomenon,” Svetlana said.

Mogilyuk, a PhD in geography, believes that statements that a single time zone is good for Kazakhstan are absurd. This contradicts elementary geographical facts – the country stretches from east to west over more than two time zones. 

“Referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant. It was sad to see mass agitation against common sense about the need for nuclear energy in our country. These endless billboards with green leaves from cooling towers are as absurd as a single time zone. The facts show that nuclear energy is an expensive and dangerous solution.” said Svetlana Mogilyuk.

The process of editing the Water Code has attracted much attention from the country’s environmentalists. In general, of course, water legislation needs to be improved, but attempts to legalize everything built in violation of existing norms in water protection zones and strips are very bad. There are also a number of other serious omissions, especially the fact that the basin principle of water resource management has not become the main one. But it is very important to save water in our country!

“A new platform is being launched in Kazakhstan – the National Data Bank on the State of the Environment and Natural Resources,” said Mogilyuk.

According to the Environmental Code, enterprises with gross emissions of 500 or more tons per year are required to install an automated emission monitoring system. And already 60% of those who are required to do so transmit information every 20 minutes to the centralized monitoring system. In this case, the data is not only accumulated, but also promptly analyzed. Perhaps such a control system will provide more effective protection against excess emissions. 

Svetlana Mogilyuk hopes that in the near future all monitoring and analysis systems will be available to the public. However, the system of access to information on decisions made by the Republic of Kazakhstan is already well developed. And citizens should use the available opportunities more actively and widely.

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