Impact of COVID-19 on Lives, Livelihoods and Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Tajikistan

The coronavirus pandemic hit Tajikistan when its economy and livelihoods were already fragile following several economic disruptions in the past decade. The economic implications of the COVID-19 outbreak became apparent soon after the first cases were officially declared, and businesses and vulnerable population groups have been on the front lines ever since. The impact of …

Impact of COVID-19 on Lives, Livelihoods and Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Tajikistan Read More »

COVID-19 highlights the need for access to clean water

As healthcare workers across the globe unanimously promoted frequent handwashing as the most effective element in preventing COVID-19, Viloyat Valieva, a 48-year-old teacher from Laboba, Khatlon, grew more concerned about hers and her fellow-villagers’ disproportionate vulnerability to the disease due to lack of access to clean water.

GHG Forecasting in Key Sectors and Impact Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation Policies and Measures

Tajikistan has implemented in recent years a number of policies and measures (PAMs)6 to mitigate climate change reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Assessing the impact of these measures, and additional PAMs that will be implemented in the future, is key for tracking progress of the achievement of national targets (i.e. NDC), facilitating policymaking and improving the …

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