Why does Central Asia need a water and energy commission?

After the construction of hydroelectric power plants in the upper reaches of rivers, Kyrgyzstan will regulate the discharge of water to its transboundary neighbors according to its needs. How to avoid collisions and military conflicts in this regard? The well-known political scientist of Kyrgyzstan Bakyt Baketayev shared his opinion with the editorial board of Nur.kz: …

Why does Central Asia need a water and energy commission? Read More »

Uzbekistan Saves 2 Billion Cubic Meters of Water in Six Months by Implementing Water-Saving Technologies

Uzbekistan, Tashkent – ​​Podrobno.uz News Agency. The Senate heard information on the implementation of measures for the rational and efficient use of water resources, improvement of management mechanisms and the legislative framework of this area, Podrobno.uz correspondent reports.  The report was read by the Minister of Water Resources of Uzbekistan Shavkat Khamraev. He noted that in order to …

Uzbekistan Saves 2 Billion Cubic Meters of Water in Six Months by Implementing Water-Saving Technologies Read More »

The Cabinet of Ministers Kyrgyzstan intends to introduce new instruments for recording water reserves and its use

The Cabinet of Ministers intends to introduce new instruments for recording water reserves and its use The Cabinet of Ministers intends to introduce new instruments for recording water reserves and its use “We must introduce new tools into our statistical system, one of which is the accounting of natural and climatic resources,” said today, August …

The Cabinet of Ministers Kyrgyzstan intends to introduce new instruments for recording water reserves and its use Read More »

Kyrgyzstan: River monitoring system needs to be updated

In Kyrgyzstan, where the largest transboundary rivers of Central Asia originate, monitoring of river pollution remains insufficiently effective. According to available data, water pollution slightly exceeds standards for some indicators. However, in neighboring Kazakhstan, the situation is more alarming: pollution of the Chu and Kara-Balta rivers, which flow out of Kyrgyzstan, is significantly higher. In …

Kyrgyzstan: River monitoring system needs to be updated Read More »

Did “Rain Man” Raise the Water Level in the Aral Sea – Kazhydromet Conclusion

In response to a request from the Kazinform agency, Kazhydromet gave a scientific assessment of the statement by Kazakh citizen Altai Ainabek that he was able to cause artificial rain in Mangistau using atmospheric ionization technology. Altay Aynabek, known on social media as the “Rain Man,” said he wants to restore the Aral Sea using …

Did “Rain Man” Raise the Water Level in the Aral Sea – Kazhydromet Conclusion Read More »

Uzbekistan’s pastures are close to irreversible degradation

Uzbeks consume more meat than they can afford with current production methods. The number of livestock exceeds pasture resources. Overgrazing leads to the degradation of ecosystems and a reduction in biodiversity. Zoologist Sergei Zagrebin explains how to properly manage pastures.   O’zbek   tilida25 August 2023, 10:06   Society Livestock farming is one of the key sectors of the …

Uzbekistan’s pastures are close to irreversible degradation Read More »

Inefficient hydroelectric power plants, irrational irrigation and corruption. What is killing the Syr Darya and how to resist it

Leading expert of the international public foundation “Rivers without Borders” Evgeny Simonov talks about the environmental problems of the Syr Darya and possible ways to solve them. The Syr Darya, the largest river in Central Asia , runs through four countries: Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan, before emptying into the Aral Sea. Azattyk journalist and photographer …

Inefficient hydroelectric power plants, irrational irrigation and corruption. What is killing the Syr Darya and how to resist it Read More »

Kazakhstan and Germany agree on new projects in education, water resources and agriculture

Photo: Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan Deputy Prime Minister Kanat Bozumbayev held a series of talks with colleagues from the Federal Republic of Germany. This was reported by the Kazinform agency with reference to the press service of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the working visit, a meeting was held with …

Kazakhstan and Germany agree on new projects in education, water resources and agriculture Read More »

RSE “Kazhydromet” opened access to the interactive map “Hydrological Monitoring”

On August 22, 2024, RSE “Kazhydromet” opened access to the interactive map “Hydrological Monitoring”, which provides detailed information on the current state of water bodies in Kazakhstan, Zakon.kz reports. The release states that the data in the section comes from the hydrological network of the RSE “Kazhydromet”, which includes 377 observation points, including: 329 river, 38 lake …

RSE “Kazhydromet” opened access to the interactive map “Hydrological Monitoring” Read More »

Seven ways to restore land, halt desertification and combat drought

Land sustains life on Earth. Natural spaces such as forests, farmlands, savannahs, peatlands and mountains, provide humanity with the food, water and raw materials it needs to survive. Yet, more than 2 billion hectares of the world’s land is degraded, affecting more than 3 billion people. Vital ecosystems and countless species are under threat. In the face of more severe and …

Seven ways to restore land, halt desertification and combat drought Read More »

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