Current weather and trends in Central Asia

The tool displays main meteorological parameters: current temperature, pressure, humidity, wind speed and cloud cover data for more than 890 geographical locations in Central Asia. The information is updated every 3 hours. The users can also analyze the dynamics of the monthly average values ​​of these parameters using the trend chart that is updated in the beginning of each month.


E-lake Kazakhstan

The web application E-Lake was developed by the Institute of Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The information is presented in the form of interactive layers of maps, tables, and graphs. At the moment, the Atlas of Lakes contains information about location and general characteristics of 2328 lakes in Kazakhstan with area more than 1 km2. The web- resource is developed for decision-makers in the field of water management, for the scientific and educational community, and for all who want to learn more about lakes.

Source: elake.kagis/

Ecology Data Portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan

This tool presents various data in the field of environmental protection relevant to the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Here You can find data on institutions responsible for the protection of the environment, the indicators of their activities, statistics in the field, data on the red book of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Kazakhstan Climate Change

Climate Change Portal developed by the Institute of Geography of Kazakhstan. The Institute’s research is focused on solving environmental problems and assessing the natural resource potential of Kazakhstan’s geosystems with the development of the geographical foundations of rational nature management. The portal collects historical analysis about temperature, precipitation, evapotranspiration and agro-climatic indicators (aridity index, standardized precipitation, …)


Earth Wind

Earth Wind is an interactive map that shows up-to-date currents across the globe. The website uses numerical data from various weather bodies and recreates them on an interactive globe. The data is updated every three hours and shows the winds as tendrils snaking over the land and sea. The result is a visually astonishing globe that also provides wind data on any location with the click of a button.


The Crop Growth Monitoring System for Central Asia (CGMS-CA)

The Crop Growth Monitoring System for Central Asia (CGMS-CA) allows monitoring the conditions for the growth and development of crops and forecasting their yields for the countries of the Central Asian region, including Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. CGMS-CA allows to assess the conditions of growth, development and accumulation of productive biomass in a significant list of agricultural crops in the region – winter wheat, spring wheat, cotton, spring rapeseed, lentils and rice. For each country of the region, the system has been adapted, considering some specifics of each one in terms of information, methodology and technology. The main steps of technological adaptation of the CGMS-CA system includes: development of a meteorological database for the certain period (not less than 10 years) using standard meteorological observations of the Hydrometeorological network and free available NASA Power data (; development of a soil characteristics database, by finding a correspondence between the taxonomy of the digital soil map and the classification of soils WRB; development of a phenological characteristics database such as sown dates, dates of emergence, anthesis and maturity obtained from agrometeorological stations network of the National Hydrometeorological services of the region; development of a statistical crop yields database at the regional and district levels of each country of the region. One of the main specifics of the CGMS-CA are estimation of biophysical parameters of crop development based of simulations of WOFOST (WOrld FOod Studies) model and possibility to display the results of the simulations at the different administrative levels based on a spatial schematization and aggregation. The prediction of crop yields in the context of administrative units is based on statistical methods (pair and multiple regression). CGMS-CA has been developed by specialists of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute ( as part of a joint project with the Regional Environmental Center of Central Asia (



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