CAICA, together with Global Shapers Astana, launches the flagship project Climate Skills for Kazakhstan

Today, the topic of climate in Kazakhstan has become actively discussed in society, but very superficially; One reason for this is the lack of local expertise, especially in the areas of climate law and climate finance. Young people are the least likely to participate in discussions about the country’s future climate plans, and we want to build the competence of young professionals to prepare them for dialogue and action in these areas.


Our goal is to raise awareness among young professionals about the need for experts in the field of climate law and finance, to create a space for discussion, exchange of experience and networking between professionals in the field of climate law and finance and young people for their further mutual support and cooperation.

These are 8 open lectures (in Astana and online) on Climate Law & Climate Finance from Kazakh and foreign experts from EY, World Bank, Climate Court, EBRD, etc.

Starts June 5

Lectures are open to everyone, registration via the link:

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