World Soil Day 5 December

The health of the soil and the quality and availability of water are interconnected. Photo:Hatia/Adobe Stock Soil and water, a source of life   Our planet’s survival depends on the precious link between soil and water. Over 95 percent of our food originates from these two fundamental resources. Soil water, vital for nutrient absorption by […]

Conference Promoting Sustainable Development in Central Asia, 6 december 2024, Kazakhstan, Almaty

About the event The EDB Conference - "Promoting Sustainable Development in Central Asia" is designed as a platform to discuss challenges and opportunities of regional development and to exchange experiences of international organisations and international financial institutions working in Central Asia. The conference will focus on analysing the global challenges facing the Central Asian region […]

International Mountain Day 11 December

Photo:JKLoma/Adobe Stock Mountain solutions for a sustainable future – innovation, adaptation and youth Over centuries, mountain communities have developed solutions to adapt to their harsh environments, deal with climate change, reduce poverty and protect or restore biodiversity. This International Mountain Day 2024 (IMD 2024) focuses precisely on the capacity and needs of its people through […]

Online training on the use of CACIP. Geoportal CACIP

Date and time: December 12, 2024, 14.00-15.30. Language : Russian​ Format : Online using the Zoom platform Zoom link: Trainer: Azamat Kauzov, Coordinator of CACIP, CAREC Prerequisites Central Asia is a region that is highly vulnerable to climate variability and change, including hydrometeorological hazards. Over several decades, climate change has caused problems such as shifts in temperature and precipitation patterns, severe droughts, […]

UNEP Foundation Day

The main UN body dealing with environmental issues, UNEP, came into being on December 15, 1972. On that day, during the first UN conference on this topic held in Stockholm, the UN Environment Programme was created.   The main tasks of UNEP include developing a global environmental program and promoting its implementation within the UN, […]

Online training on the use of CACIP. Overview of climate data on CACIP.

Date and time: December 18, 2024, 14.00-15.30. Language : Russian​ Format : Online using the Zoom platform Zoom link: Trainer: Azamat Kauzov, Coordinator of CACIP, CAREC Prerequisites Central Asia is a region that is highly vulnerable to climate variability and change, including hydrometeorological hazards. Over several decades, climate change has caused problems such as shifts in temperature and precipitation patterns, severe droughts, […]

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