Dubai – UAE – UNFCCC COP28 CA Pavilion – December 10 – The side event “Carbon farming in Kazakhstan: unlocking opportunities” presented a report on the development of carbon farming in Kazakhstan.
The participants of the side event learnt about the international experience of carbon farming and the restoration of degraded lands of other countries. They also got acquainted with advanced farming technologies in arid areas.
In Kazakhstan, degraded land occupies about 57 million hectares, affecting the well-being of more than 4 million people.
Carbon farming is one of the main methods in the agricultural sector, which contributes to both mitigating climate change and improving the health of agricultural land. Low-tillage practices, planting cover crops and high-sequestration grasses increase the soil organic carbon stock, which is one of the most important determinants of soil quality.
Implementation of such carbon-based farming practices can contribute to the restoration of degraded land and, in the process, to the restoration of ecosystems and the well-being of local communities that depend on land use for a source of income.
The side event is organized by BRICS Competition Law and Policy Center and International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA).
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