Dushanbe, Tajikistan – January 21-22. A two-day Training of Trainers (ToT) on interactive modelling of the Nexus approach (Nexus game) was held at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. The training was organized by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC).
The event brought together 12 educators from 4 universities in Tajikistan: Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Tajik Technical University named after Academician M. Osimi, Tajik National University, and Khujand State University named after Academician B. Gafurov.
Day one of the Nexus game training educators learned how to facilitate the game and integrate the WEFE (water-energy-food-ecosystems) Nexus approach into their educational programs. The game is a simulation based on two countries situated upstream and downstream on a river. The players engage in bi-lateral negotiations and decision-making processes to meet the resource needs (water, food, and energy) of their country’s populations while preserving the ecosystems amidst climate change challenges.
On day two, educators had the opportunity to apply their newly acquired facilitation skills in a practical setting. This active learning approach helped them consolidate their knowledge and master the role of game moderators.
To ensure the implementation of the training outcomes, participating universities were provided with Nexus game kits in the Tajik language, and memorandums of cooperation were signed. These memorandums will enable the effective integration of the Nexus game into university curricula.
Brief reference
The Nexus game was developed by the Centre for Systems Solutions in collaboration with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and the “Sustainable Energy for All” Initiative. The history of its implementation in the Central Asian region began in 2018 within the framework of the European Union project “Nexus Dialogue in Central Asia” implemented by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC). The game represents a facilitated process of playing five different scenarios for developing the territories upstream and downstream while addressing water needs of population, industry and agriculture and taking into account climate change challenges. Currently, the Nexus game is actively promoted by CAREC in universities, academies, basin organizations, and media in Central Asia.
Additional information: Ludmila Kiktenko, Environmental Management Program Manager, CAREC, lkiktenko@carececo.org
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