The heads of energy departments of the SCO countries reviewed and approved the Strategy for the development of energy cooperation of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization until 2030.

The document defines the key areas of cooperation between the SCO member states in the energy sector until 2030, including prospects for the development of the transit potential of energy resources and the possibility of diversifying export routes; formation of a new energy system with a balance of industry development priorities; modernization of traditional energy sources, systemic improvement of the industry; development of innovative technologies and science in the field of use of renewable energy sources, development of hydrogen energy; searching for new solutions in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency.

“In the approved Strategy, we have reached a consensus on the need for a balanced approach, the development of both traditional and renewable energy in accordance with the national conditions of the SCO countries,” noted Minister A. Satkaliev.

The ministers also exchanged views on the current state and prospects for the development of the global and regional energy agenda, discussed the development of the energy industry, in particular the possibilities of attracting investments and financing for the implementation of projects and programs in this area.

“The Republic of Tajikistan, having enormous hydropower potential, continues the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power station, with an installed capacity of 3,780 MW. To date, the two units put into operation have already generated more than 5 billion kW hours of electricity. In the future, the Rogun HPP will not only ensure the energy security of the Republic of Tajikistan, but will also contribute to increasing the volume of export supplies to neighboring countries.

It should be noted that 70% of the produced volumes (about 10 billion kWh) will be exported to cover the growing demand in the countries of the region,” Daler Jumya said during his speech.

For reference: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a regional organization that provides a platform for dialogue and cooperation among member countries. Today, the SCO accounts for about a third of world GDP, 60% of the territory of Eurasia, and 42% of the planet’s population. The energy sector is extremely important within the framework of cooperation between the SCO member states, as it promotes the development of all sectors of interaction, in particular the economic sphere. The SCO unites the largest producers, transit countries and consumers of energy resources.


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