Start date:
November 22, 2023
End date:
November 23, 2023

Regional Environmental Center of Central Asia with financial support
international charitable foundation “The Coca-Cola Foundation” and NGO “Global
Water Challenge” initiates a one-year project “Creating opportunities and improving
the situation of women in rural areas of Central Asia in the light of climate change.”
The purpose of the inception workshop is to present to the participants the purpose and objectives of the project,
funded by the Coca-Cola Foundation and the NGO Global Water Challenge. During the seminar
expected results, risks, key indicators and plans will be presented and discussed
implementation of project components.
The inception workshop will also cover issues related to monitoring and evaluation
projects at all stages of their implementation. This will not only ensure transparency and clear
reporting on the results achieved, but will also ensure prompt resolution of problems, which
is a necessary condition for the successful implementation of projects and achievement of goals
In addition, the workshop will focus on the importance of the active participation of all
stakeholders in the process of project implementation. In particular, the role of
civil society, local communities, business and other partners in ensuring successful
implementation of the project in order to build trust and partnership between all participants, which,
in turn, will contribute to achieving sustainable results and positive
changes in water management in the region.
The inception workshop will discuss the basic principles of coordination and
interactions between country and regional levels. Participants are expected
workshop will explore the synergies and added value opportunities that can
be obtained from the joint work of participating countries, which will contribute to the creation
a more effective and sustainable basis for addressing common management challenges
water resources and environmental sustainability.
It is expected that the inception workshop will develop a general understanding of the project concept and mechanism
their implementation, and will also strengthen the commitment to friendly and good neighborly relations in
within the framework of multilateral cooperation together with CAREC national offices in
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, under the leadership of the head office of the Regional
Ecological Center of Central Asia (CAREC).

Regional Environmental Center of Central Asia with financial support
international charitable foundation “The Coca-Cola Foundation” and NGO “Global
Water Challenge” initiates a one-year project “Creating opportunities and improving
the situation of women in rural areas of Central Asia in the light of climate change.”
The purpose of the inception workshop is to present to the participants the purpose and objectives of the project,
funded by the Coca-Cola Foundation and the NGO Global Water Challenge. During the seminar
expected results, risks, key indicators and plans will be presented and discussed
implementation of project components.
The inception workshop will also cover issues related to monitoring and evaluation
projects at all stages of their implementation. This will not only ensure transparency and clear
reporting on the results achieved, but will also ensure prompt resolution of problems, which
is a necessary condition for the successful implementation of projects and achievement of goals
In addition, the workshop will focus on the importance of the active participation of all
stakeholders in the process of project implementation. In particular, the role of
civil society, local communities, business and other partners in ensuring successful
implementation of the project in order to build trust and partnership between all participants, which,
in turn, will contribute to achieving sustainable results and positive
changes in water management in the region.
The inception workshop will discuss the basic principles of coordination and
interactions between country and regional levels. Participants are expected
workshop will explore the synergies and added value opportunities that can
be obtained from the joint work of participating countries, which will contribute to the creation
a more effective and sustainable basis for addressing common management challenges
water resources and environmental sustainability.
It is expected that the inception workshop will develop a general understanding of the project concept and mechanism
their implementation, and will also strengthen the commitment to friendly and good neighborly relations in
within the framework of multilateral cooperation together with CAREC national offices in
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, under the leadership of the head office of the Regional
Ecological Center of Central Asia (CAREC).

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