Lectures on promoting the WEFE Nexus approach on the Community of Practice platform

The Community of Practiceplatformoffers to get acquaintedwith the materials of lectureson the promotion of the Nexusapproach“Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems”(WEFENexus).Theselectures are conductedonlineon a regularbasis by the USAID Central Asia’sRegionalWater and Vulnerable Environment Activity.

The lectures are aimedatforming a newunderstanding of the WAFENexusapproachandincreasing the level of application of thisapproachin Central Asiancountries.Theyraiseawarenessof the WEFENexusapproach, the potential of stakeholdersatvariouslevels, and form a criticalmass of understanding of WEFENexus.

Thelectures are attended by highly qualifiedspecialistssuchasAlexanderNikolaenko, Iskandar Abdullaev, MalikaIkramova,SanjayGiri,etc. In the lecturematerialsyoucanfindvideos of lecturesandpresentations by speakers.

The lecture materials are available at the link.

The Community of Practice platform is a communication and outreach platform for bringing together representatives of educational institutions, research institutions, government agencies, international organizations, youth and other stakeholders. The platform was created in 2022 by USAID WAVE in collaboration with CAREC on the basis of the Eurasian River Basin Portal (riverbp.net).


Additional information: Ludmila Kiktenko, Environmental Management Programme’s Manager, CAREC, lkiktenko@carececo.org

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