Two Scholarships for Researchers from Central Asia: Call for Scientific Research at IAMO. The Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) in Halle, Germany, is offering two scholarships for researchers from Central Asia. These scholarships are part of the “CAWAMNET II – Central Asian Water Conflict and Migration Network” project, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The invitation to participate is extended to researchers from scientific institutions in Central Asian countries. The research visit focuses on water scarcity issues in the region, encompassing Central Asian countries. Climate change, water deficit, and water conflicts pose key challenges for this region. The lack of sufficient empirical data on the interconnection between these factors and migration makes the proposed research particularly relevant.

Researchers with varying levels of experience, from doctoral candidates to senior researchers, are invited to apply. During their stay at the Institute of Agricultural Development, each researcher will be given the opportunity to choose a research topic based on their interests and experience. Research themes include developing research proposals for doctoral dissertations or collaborating on joint scientific publications using available micro-level data.

Research Themes:

  • Farmers’ adaptation strategies to climate change and water deficit in Central Asia.
  • The role of water deficit in the dynamics of rural population mobility in Central Asia.

Invited researchers will participate in a scientific conference scheduled for October 2024 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, jointly organized by IAMO and Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT).

Candidates are expected to have a strong commitment to conducting high-quality research, possess an academic degree in the relevant field, demonstrate proficiency in analytical methods, and have knowledge of agriculture, water resource management, and climate change issues in Central Asia. Experience in empirical research in the region is considered advantageous.

In return, IAMO offers a unique opportunity to conduct research in a motivated interdisciplinary team, actively collaborate in producing high-quality scientific publications, and receive a scholarship along with travel expense reimbursement.

Applications are accepted until March 15, 2024, at The application package should include a motivational letter, CV, copies of diplomas and certificates, electronic copies of dissertations and publications, and contact information for referees.


About IAMO:

IAMO is a public-law research institute conducting fundamental and applied research in the field of agricultural economics with a focus on countries in Europe and Asia that previously had a centralized planned economy. It provides excellent infrastructure and fosters a stimulating research environment within an international, ambitious, and multidisciplinary team. IAMO is a member of the Leibniz Association, a German network of non-university research institutes. Equality of opportunities is an integral part of its personnel policy. Female researchers are strongly encouraged to apply, and candidates with disabilities and corresponding qualifications will be given priority. Please note that only selected candidates will be invited for interviews via email.

CAREC and IAMO maintain a relationship reflecting joint efforts in research, knowledge exchange and scientific activities in the field of agriculture and ecology in the Central Asian region. An earlier workshop of the Central Asian Network on Water Conflict and Migration organised jointly with IAMO and the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) with the financial support of DAAD is a vivid confirmation of this..




Dr. Nodir Djanibekov

Phone: +49 345 2928-128

Email: djanibekov(at)


Dr. Katleen Hermans

Phone: +49 345 2928-142

Email: khermans(at)





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