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What will Central Asia include in its Regional Statement at UNFCCC COP28? What is vital for Central Asian countries? What is crucial for the world?

Almaty – Kazakhstan – The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC), with the support of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), organized a meeting ...

Kazakhstan suggested building a regional water and energy consortium to address the water scarcity

Kazakhstan’s development and overcoming the challenges facing Central Asia are becoming increasingly relevant in the context of the changing world order. One of the key ...

ReCATH International Training: Tracking Mitigation Measures under the Paris Agreement (NDC Tracking)

From 25 to 27 July 2023, Almaty, Kazakhstan is hosting an international training on tracking progress of national contributions under the Paris Agreement, conducted jointly ...

11th International Conference on Children’s Health and the Environment (hybrid): “Mother and Child Health – Environmental Impact”

We are writing to request your participation in the 11th International Conference on Children’s Health and the Environment, to be held virtually or on-site on 27-28 October ...

According to WMO, June 2023 was recognized as the hottest in the history of meteorological observations

  “The exceptional warmth in June and at the start of July occurred at the onset of the development of El Niño, which is expected ...
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