On 21 February 2024, the Agency of Hydrometeorology under the Committee for Environmental Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan, with technical support from the United Nations Development Program in Tajikistan and financial assistance from the Green Climate Fund and the European Commission held a workshop on “Measures and practical steps to increase resilience to the risks of climate change instability and the development of national adaptation planning in priority sectors of the Republic of Tajikistan”.

The workshop was attended by members of the technical working group for the development of the National Adaptation Plan of the Republic of Tajikistan, representatives of the Syrdarya River Basin Organization, public and international organizations and academia. During the workshop participants were presented with the results of the study on the reflection of adaptation measures to climate change in terms of the introduction of new technologies, improvement of infrastructure and database, capacity building, improvement of legal and regulatory aspects, institutional mechanisms and climate finance in adopted strategies, programs, laws, codes and regulations of key sectors of the economy. During the group’s work, the participants provided additional recommendations on adaptation measures in the planned regulatory and legal documents of priority sectors within the framework of the National Adaptation Plan.

The workshop also summarized the results of analytical work on integrating climate change into policy and on mainstreaming climate change adaptation into planning and budgeting in the water sector.




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