Meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan with representatives of the Institute of Strategic and Interregional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the center of the Interstate Coordination Water Commission of Central Asia.

During the meeting, the parties noted the fruitful bilateral cooperation between the environmental departments of the two countries. Thus, interaction was discussed within the framework of the Kazakh-Uzbek joint working group (Commission) on environmental protection and water quality in the Syrdarya River basin. In addition, cooperation was noted on issues of agroforestry on the dried bottom of the Aral Sea, as well as in the field of climate change.

In this regard, representatives of the MENR of the Republic of Kazakhstan requested support from the Uzbek side for Kazakhstan’s initiatives to create an International Center for afforestation of the drained bottom of the Aral Sea and desert zones of Central Asian countries, a Project Office for Central Asia on climate change and green energy in Almaty.

Following the meeting, the parties agreed to continue productive cooperation in all these areas.

Встреча с представителями узбекской делегации (

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