Climate change


We are glad to provide you with the Synthesis Review (in Russian and English) dedicated to the “Financing climate change actions ”. This synthesis review aims to inform the public on the role of climate finance in fulfilling national commitments under the UNFCCC Paris Agreement in the Central Asian Region, as well as to highlight …


Sanitation, wastewater and waste, housing and communal services

COVID-19 highlights the need for access to clean water

As healthcare workers across the globe unanimously promoted frequent handwashing as the most effective element in preventing COVID-19, Viloyat Valieva, a 48-year-old teacher from Laboba, Khatlon, grew more concerned about hers and her fellow-villagers’ disproportionate vulnerability to the disease due to lack of access to clean water.

Education, knowledge and training

GHG Forecasting in Key Sectors and Impact Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation Policies and Measures

Tajikistan has implemented in recent years a number of policies and measures (PAMs)6 to mitigate climate change reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Assessing the impact of these measures, and additional PAMs that will be implemented in the future, is key for tracking progress of the achievement of national targets (i.e. NDC), facilitating policymaking and improving the …

GHG Forecasting in Key Sectors and Impact Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation Policies and Measures Read More »

Sanitation, wastewater and waste, housing and communal services

Pilot Project in Central on Payments for Ecosystem Services

An assessment of the proposed five pilot sites was conducted within the CAREC Project on “Payment for Ecosystem Services in the Issyk-Kul oblast”. The project is implemented by the Regional Environmental Center of Central Asia (CAREC) with support of the State Agency on Environmental Protection and Forestry of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Issyk-Kul oblast state administration of …

Pilot Project in Central on Payments for Ecosystem Services Read More »

Education, knowledge and training

Student research competition on sustainable management of natural resources in Central Asia

The student research competition aims to build the capacities of young specialists in the sustainable management of natural resources in the Central Asian countries. The competition is organized within the Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin project. Main topics of the competition: All thematic areas should be directly or indirectly related to climate change …

Student research competition on sustainable management of natural resources in Central Asia Read More »

Climate change

Talk Eastern Europe 32: Addressing the challenge of climate change

After the European Commission announced its ambitious initiative of an EU New Green Deal, many questions remain, including to what extent members of Europe’s eastern neighbourhood will be involved in the project and how a just transition from a carbon-based fuel economy could look like. To get a better sense of the challenges in the …

Talk Eastern Europe 32: Addressing the challenge of climate change Read More »

Climate change

Asia’s central banks must rise to the challenge of climate change

Climate change is already a reality. The deadly bushfires in Australia, ferocious flooding in Indonesia and extended droughts in Vietnam have led to the destruction of infrastructure, investments and livelihoods. Yet across Asia, acceptance of this reality has not yet changed consumer behaviors across the region.  After a temporary slowdown in the past five years, …

Asia’s central banks must rise to the challenge of climate change Read More »

Trade, markets and food

If coronavirus disrupts staple crop production the impact on food security could be grave

The novel coronavirus pneumonia (Covid-19) outbreak that began in Wuhan, in Hubei province, China has quickly spread to at least 75 other countries, causing more than 3,000 deaths. China’s subsequent imposition of restrictions on movement both within and outside its borders has been effective in containment: official Chinese data shows  new confirmed cases dropped to 129 in …

If coronavirus disrupts staple crop production the impact on food security could be grave Read More »

Climate change

Infographics gives an easy overview on food security and nutrition in Kyrgyzstan

Every 15th person in Kyrgyzstan suffers from malnutrition, that is, the human diet contains insufficient amounts of nutrients or a person consumes excess amounts of food. Every 14th child under the age of five is overweight, and every 6th adult is obese. Around the world, issues of ensuring food security and nutrition quality are fundamental …

Infographics gives an easy overview on food security and nutrition in Kyrgyzstan Read More »

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